DBus (gb.dbus)

This class manages the connection to the session or the system bus.

Esta clase hereda _DBus.

Esta clase es estática.

Esta clase actúa com un array estático de sólo lectura.

Inherited constants
Error   Constant for the type of an error message.
Method   Constant for the type of a method call message.
Reply   Constant for the type of a method reply message.
Signal   Constant for the type of a signal message.

Propiedades estáticas
MachineId   Return the DBus machine identifier
Name   Return or set the DBus application name.
Null   Return a unique object that represents a DBus null value.
Session   Return a connection to the session bus.
System   Return a connection to the system bus.
Unique   Return or set if the application registers on the D-Bus bus with an unique ID.

Inherited static properties
Debug   Return or set if debugging messages are displayed.

Métodos estáticos
IsRegistered   Return if the specified object is registered on a DBus bus.
Raise   Raise a DBus object signal.
Register   Export an object to the session bus.
Unregister   Unregister the specified object from the session bus.