TrayIcon (gb.dbus.trayicon)

This class implements a system tray icon.

Esta clase es instanciable.

Horizontal   Constant indicating an horizontal mouse wheel rotation.
Vertical   Constant indicating a vertical mouse wheel rotation.

Icon   Return or set the TrayIcon icon.
Name   Return or set the TrayIcon name.
Picture   Return or set the TrayIcon icon. A synonymous of the Icon property.
PopupMenu   Return or set the name of the popup menu that will be associated with the TrayIcon.
Tag   Returns or sets the TrayIcon tag.
Text   Return or set the TrayIcon tooltip. A synonymous of the Tooltip property.
Tooltip   Return or set the TrayIcon tooltip.
Visible   Return or set if the TrayIcon is visible in the system tray.

Delete   Hide and destroy a TrayIcon.
Hide   Hide the TrayIcon.
Show   Show the TrayIcon.

Click   This event is raised when the user click on the TrayIcon in the system tray with the left mouse button.
MiddleClick   This event is raised when the user click on the TrayIcon in the system tray with the middle mouse button.
Scroll   This event is raised when the user rotates the mouse wheel on the TrayIcon icon in the system tray.

The application will not quit while a TrayIcon is visible.