Window.Border (gb.ncurses)

Property Border As Integer

Returns or sets whether the Window has a border. The border surrounds the Window contents and cannot be overridden by the Window routines (as opposed to the normal ncurses borders which are inner-window).

Beware that the window must be enlarged by two characters in width and height in order to draw the outer-window border. The content is, of course, preserved as well as possible. That means that activating a border on a full-screen window will reduce the size of the content in order to display a border. As an effect, the content may be truncated on the right and on the bottom.

The component aims to detect whether the controlling terminal supports ACS characters in order to draw the border with linedrawing graphics characters. This is done by the presence of the "enacs" terminfo variable. I personally don't deem that the right usage from what I have read on the topic, but it works for my Linux console. If the "enacs" is not set, an ASCII border is drawn.