Glu.Project (gb.opengl.glu)

Static Function Project ( ObjectX As Float, ObjectY As Float, ObjectZ As Float, Modelview As Float[], Projection As Float[], Viewport As Integer[] ) As Float[]

Map object coordinates to window coordinates.


objX, objY, objZ

Specify the object coordinates.

Specifies the current modelview matrix (as from a Gl.GetDoublev call).

Specifies the current projection matrix (as from a Gl.GetDoublev call).

Specifies the current viewport (as from a Gl.GetIntegerv call).
winX, winY, winZ

Return the computed window coordinates.


Glu.Project transforms the specified object coordinates into window coordinates using model, proj, and view. The result is stored in winX, winY, and winZ. A return value of Glu.TRUE indicates success, a return value of Glu.FALSE indicates failure.

To compute the coordinates, let v objX objY objZ 1.0 represented as a matrix with 4 rows and 1 column. Then Glu.Project computes v as follows:

v P × M × v

where P is the current projection matrix proj and M is the current modelview matrix model (both represented as 4 × 4 matrices in column-major order).

The window coordinates are then computed as follows:

winX view 0 + view 2 × v 0 + 1 2

winY view 1 + view 3 × v 1 + 1 2

winZ v 2 + 1 2

See also

Glu.UnProject Gl.Get

See original documentation on OpenGL website