Gambas Documentation
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Documentation de l'Environnement de développement
Documentation des développeurs
À propos de ma formule préférée
Captures d'écrans
Comportement interne de DrawingArea
Convention de Nommage des Variables
Conventions de nommage
Database Datatype Mapping
DBus et Gambas
Démarrer avec Gambas
Détails de l'architecture
Différences avec Visual Basic
Différences entre Shell et Exec
Distributions et systèmes d'exploitation
Drag & Drop
Gambas, c'est quoi ?
Le modèle objet de Gambas
Le programme s'est arrêté de façon inattendue en levant le signal #11
Listes de diffusion et Forums
Localisation et Internationalisation
Network Programming
Notes de version
Gambas 2.23.0
Gambas 2.23.1
Gambas 2.24.0
Gambas 3.1.0
Gambas 3 RC1
Gambas 3 RC2
Gambas 3 RC3
Gambas 3 RC4
Gambas 3 RC5
Gambas 3 RC6
ODBC Component Documentation
Pages serveur Gambas
Passer Un Argument Par Référence
PCRE Pattern Syntax
Portage de Gambas 2 en Gambas 3
Questions fréquemment posées (FAQ)
Rich Text Syntax
Signaler un problème, un bogue ou un plantage
Tests de performance (benchmarks)
Window Activation & Deactivation
Index de tous les Documents
Index du langage
Manuel du wiki
Messages d'erreur
Wiki License

Gambas 3.5.4

What's new

This releases includes the following bug fixes backported from the development version...


* NEW: The GB_FIND macro now searches files one directory deeper.
* NEW: Add a new autoconf macro that can compare version numbers.

* BUG: Form editor: Setting the "Invert" property of a container now does
  not crash anymore.
* BUG: Automatically solve conflicts on project configuration files by
  taking the ones from the repository.
* BUG: Fix the custom browser support.
* NEW: Add Chromimum to the list of browsers.
* BUG: Creating a new SDL project correctly checks all needed components.

* BUG: NeHeTutorial: Fix compilation error.

* BUG: Add a small reserved area in the stack for the Eval() function, so
  that the debugger can return the contents of a variable after a stack
  overflow without raising a new stack overflow error and then crashing.
* BUG: System.TimeZone now returns the accurate value, i.e. the number of
  seconds that must be *added* to go to UTC.

* BUG: Correctly raise a syntax error now when there is anything between
  the left part of an assignment and the assignment operator.

* BUG: Make gb.db.postgresql compile with new postgresql headers location.

* BUG: Fix a possible crash if the debugged process is stopped during the
  Debug Read event.

* BUG: ValueBox.ReadOnly works as expected now.
* BUG: TableView.Clear now hides the current edited cell.

* BUG: TextArea.Text property can be set to a null string correctly now.
* BUG: Fix the behaviour of auto-resize labels.
* BUG: Setting Application.Font now updates the font of all controls.

* BUG: Draw.Line() correctly takes into account the LineStyle property in
  all cases now.
* BUG: Fix the dash patterns used for implementing the Draw.LineStyle

* BUG: Rewrite the ImageStat class source code because the PHP licence is
  not compatible with the GPL.

* BUG: Explicitely search for the 'llvm-c/Core.h' include file.
* BUG: Fix LLVM version comparison.

* BUG: Add GB_END_DECLARE to the Input class to not crash anymore (on
  cygwin only?). Reported by Nigel Gerrard.

* BUG: The VerifyPeer and VerifyHost properties are really taken into
  account now.

* BUG: Pop3Client: Raise an error if the Open() method fails, and correctly
  abort the connection.

* BUG: Cipher[] and Digest[] now read their method argument correctly.
* BUG: Fix bad use of string API in the Cipher class. Consequently
  Cipher[].Encrypt() does not crash anymore.

* BUG: Enumerating `Settings.Keys[Slot]` (the keys of a specific slot) does
  not break anymore the enumeration of `Settings.Key` (the slot names).

* BUG: Fix the behaviour of auto-resize labels.

* BUG: Fix the implementation of HTMLDocument.GetElementById().

Compilation and installation

Read the instructions there.

If everything was fine, type "gambas3" to run the development environment.

Enjoy it !

See also