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Intrinsic Functions

An intrinsic function is a predefined function. If a user-defined function uses the same name as an Intrinsic function, it replaces the Intrinsic function.

The following are the intrinsic functions provided by Gambas:

Abs Returns the absolute value of a number.
Access Tests the access authorization of a file.
ACos Computes the arc cosine of an angle.
ACosh Computes the hyperbolic arc cosine of an angle.
Ang Computes the angle polar coordinate from two rectangular coordinates.
Asc Returns the ASCII code of a character in a string.[1]
ASin Computes the arc sine of an angle.
ASinh Computes the hyperbolic arc sine of an angle.
ATan Computes the arc tangent of an angle.
ATan2 Computes the arc tangent of two numbers.
ATanh Computes the hyperbolic arc tangent of an angle.
Bool@ Return the Boolean value located at a given memory address.
Byte@ Return the Byte value located at a given memory address.
CBool Converts a value to a Boolean.
Cbr Cubic root
CByte Converts a value to a Byte.
CDate Converts a value to a Date.
CFloat Converts a value to a Float.
Chr$ Returns a character from its ASCII code.[1]
CInt Converts a value to an Integer.
CLong Converts a value to a Long.
CLOSE Closes a stream
Comp Compares two strings.[1]
Conv$ Converts a string from a charset to another charset.
COPY Copy a file.
Cos Computes the cosine of an angle.
Cosh Computes the hyperbolic cosine of an angle.
CShort Converts a value to a Short.
CSingle Converts a value to a Single.
CStr Converts a value to a String.
CVariant Converts a value to a Variant.
Date Returns a date without its time component.
DateAdd Adds a period to a given date.
DateDiff Returns the period between two dates.
Day Returns the day of a Date value.
DConv$ Converts a string from the system charset to UTF-8 (the desktop charset).
DEC Decrements a variable.
Deg Converts radians to degrees.
DFree Returns the free space on a device.
Dir Browses a directory.
Eof Returns if the end of file is reached.
ERROR Prints expressions to the error standard output.
ERROR TO Redirects the standard error output.
Exist Checks if a specific file or directory exists.
Exp Exponential, e^x
Exp2 2^x
Exp10 10^x
Expm Exp(x) - 1
Eval Evaluates an expression.
Fix Returns the integer part of a number.
Float@ Return the Float value located at a given memory address.
FLUSH Flushes the output of a buffered stream.
Format$ Format a number or a date.
Frac Returns the fractional part of a number.
Hour Returns the hours of a Date value.
Html$ Quotes a string so that it is valid html.[1]
Hyp Calculate the hypotenuse of a triangle.
INC Increments a variable.
INPUT Reads strings from a text stream and converts them into values.
INPUT FROM Redirects the standard input.
InStr Searches a string into another string.[1]
Int Returns the mathematical integer part of a number.
Int@ Return the Integer value located at a given memory address.
IsDir Returns if a path points at a directory.
KILL Removes a file.
LCase$ Converts a string to lowercase.[1]
Left$ Returns the first characters of a string.[1]
Len Returns the length of a string.[1]
LINE INPUT Reads lines from a text stream.
LOCK Locks an opened stream.
Lof Returns the length of a stream.
Long@ Return the Long value located at a given memory address.
LINK Creates a symbolic link.
Log Neperian logarithm, base e logarithm
Log2 Base 2 logarithm
Log10 Decimal logarithm
Logp Log(1+x)
LTrim$ Strips white spaces from the left of a string.[1]
Mag Computes the distance polar coordinate from two rectangular coordinates.
Max Returns the maximum number.
Mid$ Returns a part of a string.[1]
Min Returns the minimum number.
Minute Returns the minutes of a Date value.
MKDIR Creates a directory.
Month Returns the month of a Date value.
MOVE Renames or moves a file or a directory.
Now Returns the current date and time.
OPEN Opens a file for reading or writing and creates a stream for it.
OUTPUT TO Redirects the standard output.
Pi Returns π or a multiple of π.
OPEN PIPE Opens a named pipe for reading or writing and creates a stream for it.
Pointer@ Return the Pointer value located at a given memory address.
PRINT Prints expressions to a stream.
Quote$ Quotes a string.[1]
Rad Converts degrees to radians.
RANDOMIZE Intializes the pseudo-random number generator.
RDir Browses a directory recursively.
READ Reads binary data from a stream.
Replace$ Replaces in a string a substring by another one.[1]
Right$ Returns the last characters of a string.[1]
RInStr Searches a string into another string from its right.[1]
RMDIR Removes an empty directory.
Rnd Returns a pseudo-random number.
Round Rounds a number.
RTrim$ Strips white spaces from the right of a string.[1]
Scan Splits a string against a regular expression pattern.[1]
SConv$ Converts a string from UTF-8 (the desktop charset) to the system charset.
Second Returns the seconds of a Date value.
SEEK Change the position of the stream file pointer.
Seek Gets the position of the stream file pointer.
Sgn Returns the sign of a number.
Short@ Return the Short value located at a given memory address.
Sin Computes the sine of an angle.
Single@ Return the Single value located at a given memory address.
Sinh Computes the hyperbolic sine of an angle.
Space$ Returns a string containing only space.[1]
Split Splits a string into substrings.[1]
Sqr Square root
Stat Get information about a file.
Str$ Converts a number or a date into a string.
String$ Returns the same string concatenated many times.[1]
Subst$ Substitutes strings in a pattern.[1]
Tan Computes the tangent of an angle.
Tanh Computes the hyperbolic tangent of an angle.
Temp$ Makes temporary file names.
Time Returns the time part of a Date value.
Timer Returns the number of elapsed seconds since the program started.
Tr$ Translate a string.
Trim$ Strips white spaces from a string.[1]
UCase$ Converts a string to uppercase.[1]
UNLOCK Unlocks an opened stream.
UnQuote$ Unquotes a string.[1]
Val Converts a string into a number or a date.
Week Returns the week number of a Date value.
WeekDay Returns the week day of a Date value.
WRITE Write binary data to a stream.
Year Returns the year of a Date value.

[1]Most of these functions only deal with ASCII strings. To manipulate UTF-8 strings, use the String class.

See also