HttpClient (

This class provides an HTTP client that sends requests to an HTTP server, and receives the response.

Questa classe eredita Curl.

Questa classe è creabile.

Proprietà statiche ereditate
DefaultProxy   Returns or sets default proxy of all newly created HttpClient objects.

Metodi statici

Auth   Return or set the HTTP authentication mode to use.
Code   Returns the HTTP Status Code sent by the server.
CookiesFile   Return or set the file that will be used for reading and storing cookies.
Encoding   Return or set the "Accept-Encoding" HTTP header.
Headers   Return the HTTP headers as a String array.
Reason   Return the HTTP reason string.
Redirect   Return or set if the HttpClient must follow HTTP redirections.
UpdateCookies   Return or set if cookies must be updated. The default value is False.
UserAgent   Returns or sets the UserAgent used to make the request.
Version   Return or set the HTTP protocol version to use.

Proprietà ereditate
Async   Returns or sets whether the FTP/HTTP request will be asynchronous.
Blocking   Returns or sets if the stream is blocking.
BufferSize   Returns or sets the preferred receive buffer size, between 0 and 512 KB.
ByteOrder   Returns or sets the byte order used to read or write binary data to the stream.
Debug   Returns or sets the debugging mode.
Downloaded   Returns the number of bytes that have been downloaded.
EndOfFile   This property signals whether the last use of LINE INPUT reached the end of file, instead of reading a full line with an end-of-line character.
EndOfLine   Return or set the newline separator used by this stream.
Eof   Return if a stream reached its end.
ErrorText   Return the error string associated with the error code returned by the curl library.
Handle   Returns the system file descriptor associated with this Stream.
IsTerm   Return if a stream is associated with a terminal.
Lines   Returns a virtual object that allows you to enumerate a stream line by line.
NullTerminatedString   Return or set if strings are null-terminated when they are serialized.
Password   Returns or sets the password used for authorization.
Proxy   Returns a virtual object used for defining proxy parameters.
SSL   This virtual property allows to define the SSL properties of the CURL connection.
Status   Returns the status of the client.
Tag   Returns or sets the tag associated with the stream.
TargetFile   Return or set the target file used for download operations.
Term   Return a virtual object that allows to manage the terminal associated with the stream.
Timeout   Returns or sets the client timeout in seconds.
TotalDownloaded   Returns the total number of bytes that are expected to be downloaded.
TotalUploaded   Returns the total number of bytes that are expected to be uploaded.
URL   Return or set the URL of the resource to download.
Uploaded   Return the number of bytes that have been uploaded.
User   Returns or sets the user used for authorisation.

CopyFrom   Fill the HttpClient object from the properties of another HttpClient object.
Get   This method performs a call to the http server using the standard 'GET' method.
Head   This method performs a call to the http server using the standard 'HEAD' method.
Post   This method performs a call to the http server using the standard 'POST' method.
PostFile   Send a file through a POST request.
Put   Send some data to a specific URL by using the "PUT" method.
PutFile   Send a file through a PUT request.
Stop   Aborts the request.

Metodi ereditati
Begin   Start to buffer data written to the stream, so that everything will be sent when the Send method is called.
Close   Closes the stream.
Drop   Drop the data that has been buffered since the last call to the Begin method.
Peek   Returns the contents of the internal stream buffer.
ReadLine   Read a line of text from the stream, like the LINE INPUT instruction.
Send   Send all the data, in one shot, since the last call to Begin.
Watch   Start or stop watching the stream file descriptor for reading or writing, after it has been opened.

Eventi ereditati
Cancel   This event is raised when a request has been cancelled.
Connect   Raised when the connection is established.
Error   Raised when there was an error returned by the CURL library.
Finished   Raised when a command terminates correctly.
Progress   This event is raised periodically when something is downloaded or uploaded.
Read   Raised when there is some data received.

Example #1

' How to download a file from the internet synchronously

' Put the "Async" property set to FALSE prior to Get(), that way
' Get() will stop the program flow until all the information is
' received. In that case you should use also the "TimeOut" property to
' set a timeout. If not, it could hang forever if the server does not
' reply properly.

Public Sub GetFile()

  Dim hClient As HttpClient
  Dim sBuffer As String

  hClient = New HttpClient AS "hClient"
  hClient.URL = ""
  hClient.Async = FALSE
  hClient.Timeout = 60

  Print "Begin"
  If hClient.Status < 0 Then
    Print "ERROR"
    ' Success - read the data
    If Lof(hClient) Then sBuffer = Read #hClient, Lof(hClient)
    Print sBuffer
  End If

  Print "end"


Example #2

This second example shows how you can download a file from the internet asynchronously.

It calls the DownloadAsync method with your URL. Then, when the download is completed, it displays the received HTML in the Finished event handler.

' How to download a file from the internet asynchronously

Public hAsyncClient As New HttpClient AS "hAsyncClient"
Private sDownloadBuffer As String

Public Sub DownloadAsync(URL As String)

  sDownloadBuffer = ""
  hAsyncClient.URL = URL
  hAsyncClient.TimeOut = 20
  hAsyncClient.Async = TRUE


Public Sub hAsyncClient_Connect()

  Print "Connected to " & hAsyncClient.URL


Public Sub hAsyncClient_Read()

  Dim sBuffer As String

  sBuffer = Read #Last, Lof(Last)
  sDownloadBuffer &= sBuffer


Public Sub hAsyncClient_Error()

  Print "Error " & hAsyncClient.Status & " while downloading " & hAsyncClient.URL


Public Sub hAsyncClient_Finished()

  Print sDownloadBuffer
