CsvFile (gb.util)

This class allows to read and automatically decode a CSV file.

Dal 3.15
This class also allows to create new CSV files.

It is assumed that the first line of the CSV file are always the field names.

Questa classe è creabile.

Metodi statici
Create   Create a new CSV file, and return a CsvFile object for manipulating it.
Open   Open a CSV file for reading, and return a CsvFile object for manipulating it.
Quote   Quote a string value for a CSV file.

Charset   Return or set the CSV file charset.
Columns   Return the name of the columns
Eof   Return if the end of file has been reached.
Escape   Return or set the CSV file escape character.
Fields   Return or set the list of fields as a string array.
KeepNames   Return or set if field names are kept unchanged or not.
Line   Return the number of the last line that has been read or written.
NoDiacritics   Return or set if field names diacritics are kept or not.
Separator   Return or set the CSV file separator

Close   Close the CSV file.
Read   Read a new line, and return it as a collection of field values indexed by their field names.
Write   Write a new line into the CSV file.