
Native datatypes

Datatype Description Default value Size in memory
Boolean True or false. FALSE 1 byte
Byte 0...255 0 1 byte
Short -32.768...+32.767 0 2 bytes
Integer -2.147.483.648...+2.147.483.647 0 4 bytes
Long -9.223.372.036.854.775.808...+9.223.372.036.854.775.807 0 8 bytes
Single Like the float datatype in C. 0.0 4 bytes
Float Like the double datatype in C. 0.0 8 bytes
Date Date and time, each stored in an integer. NULL 8 bytes
String A variable length string of characters. NULL 4 bytes on 32 bits systems,
8 bytes on 64 bits systems.
Variant Any datatype. NULL 12 bytes on 32 bits systems,
16 bytes on 64 bits systems.
Object Anonymous reference to any object. NULL 4 bytes on 32 bits systems,
8 bytes on 64 bits systems.
Pointer A memory address. 0 4 bytes on 32 bits systems,
8 bytes on 64 bits systems.


Each native datatype has an associated array datatype whose name is the name of the native datatype followed by square brackets: Boolean[], Byte[], Short[], Integer[], Single[], Float[], String[], Date[], Variant[], Pointer[], and Object[].

Moreover, any datatype can have an array equivalent. For example: String[][] for an array of string arrays ; Collection[] for an array of collections ; and so on.

The class of non-native datatype arrays is created on the fly by the interpreter.

See also