DBus (gb.dbus)

This class manages the connection to the session or the system bus.

Deze klasse erft _DBus.

Deze klasse is statisch.

Deze klasse reageert als alleen leesbaar statische reeks.

Inherited constants
Error   Constant for the type of an error message.
Method   Constant for the type of a method call message.
Reply   Constant for the type of a method reply message.
Signal   Constant for the type of a signal message.

Statische eigenschappen
MachineId   Return the DBus machine identifier
Name   Return or set the DBus application name.
Null   Return a unique object that represents a DBus null value.
Session   Return a connection to the session bus.
System   Return a connection to the system bus.
Unique   Return or set if the application registers on the D-Bus bus with an unique ID.

Inherited static properties
Debug   Return or set if debugging messages are displayed.

Statische methode
IsRegistered   Return if the specified object is registered on a DBus bus.
Raise   Raise a DBus object signal.
Register   Export an object to the session bus.
Unregister   Unregister the specified object from the session bus.