DesktopFile (gb.desktop)

This class handles KDE/gnome "application launch files" or configuration files describing how a particular program is to be launched, how it appears in menus, desktop panels, etc. These are the ".desktop" files as defined by the freedesktop standard.

See the desktop entry specifications for more information.

This class is creatable.

This class acts like a read-only static array.

Static methods
FindMime   Returns an array of desktop entry files that are registered as handling the provided MimeType.
FromMime   Returns an array of desktop entry files that are registered as handling the provided MimeType.

Actions   Get or set a string array of the Actions field for a .desktop file.
AlternativeActions   Returns a collection of the [Desktop Action] entries.
Categories   Sets or returns the Categories (menu groups) in which the entry should be shown in a menu (for possible values see the Desktop Menu Specification).
Comment   Sets or returns the "comment=" entry for the desktop file. Depending on DM/DE usage this can appear as the tooltip for the entry, for example "View sites on the Internet".
DesktopActions   This property reads like an array and can be used to fully manage all the Actions of a .desktop file.
Exec   Return or set the command-line used for executing the program.
GenericName   Sets or returns the generic name of the application, for example "Web Browser".
Hidden   Return or set if the desktop file has been deleted.
Icon   Sets or returns the name of the icon to display in file manager, menus, etc. If it is coded as an absolute path, the given file will be used. If it is not an absolute path, the algorithm described in the Icon Theme Specification will be used to locate the icon.
MimeTypes   Sets or returns the MIME type(s) supported by the application represented by the desktop entry.
Name   Sets or returns the specific name of the application, for example "Mozilla".
Path   Return or set the working directory to run the program in.
Terminal   Sets or returns whether the program represented by the desktop entry is to run in a "terminal" window.

Save   Saves the desktop entry back to its' original file (providing you have write access there?).

For a good example take a look at the gambas.desktop file that installs when you install Gambas...

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Gambas 3
GenericName=Gambas 3 IDE
GenericName[fr]=EDI Gambas 3
GenericName[ru]=Gambas 3 IDE(ИСР)
Comment=Gambas3 Integrated Development Environment
Comment[fr]=Environnement de développement intégré Gambas 3
Comment[ru]=Gambas 3 IDE(ИСР) - альтернатива для Visual Basic

[Desktop Action QT4] Name=Run with QT 4 Name[fr]=Exécuter avec QT 4 Exec=env GB_GUI=gb.qt4 gambas3

[Desktop Action QT5] Name=Run with QT 5 Name[fr]=Exécuter avec QT 5 Exec=env GB_GUI=gb.qt5 gambas3

[Desktop Action GTK3] Name=Run with GTK+ 3 Name[fr]=Exécuter avec GTK+ 3 Exec=env GB_GUI=gb.gtk3 gambas3