Dialog (gb.form.dialog)

This class contains static methods used for calling Gambas-specific dialog boxes.

Этот класс реализуем повторно Dialog в gb.qt4.

Этот класс статический.

Статические свойства
AutoExt   Return or set if the file extension is automatically set in the SaveFile dialog.
Date   Returns or sets the date chosen in the SelectDate dialog.
FilterIndex   Return or set the index of the current file dialog filter.
FixedOnly   Return or set if the font dialog only shows fixed fonts.
Key   Return or set the settings key used by the next dialog for storing its state.
NoUser   Return or set if the AskPassword dialog requires a user identifier.
Password   Return the password entered by the user in the AskPassword dialog.
Paths   Returns an array of the selected file paths chosen in the file standard dialog.
User   Return or set the user identifier defined in the AskPassword dialog.

Inherited static properties
Color   Returns or sets the color chosen in the color standard dialog.
Filter   Returns or sets the filters used by the control for only displaying specific file types.
Font   Returns or set the font chosen in the font standard dialog.
Path   Returns or sets the file path chosen in the file standard dialog.
ShowHidden   Return or set if the standard file dialog displays hidden files.
Title   Returns or sets the title of the next standard dialog that will popup.

Статические методы
AskPassword   Asks for a user identifier and a password, possibly remembering them.
OpenFile   Calls the file standard Dialog to get the name of a file to open.
SaveFile   Calls the file standard Dialog to get the name of a file to save.
SelectDate   Calls the DateChooser to get a date.
SelectDirectory   Calls the file standard dialog to get an existing directory name.
SelectFont   Calls the font standard dialog.

Inherited static methods
SelectColor   Calls the color standard dialog.