Screen (gb.ncurses)

Represents the physical screen in Ncurses

This class can be used like an object by creating a hidden instance on demand.

This class is not creatable.

Static properties
Cursor   Sets the cursor mode, must be between 0 and 2
Echo   Echo the input characters modes 0 or 1
H   Returns the number of lines on the screen
Height   Returns the number of lines on the screen
Input   Sets the input mode for the screen
W   Returns the number of characters(width) displayed on the screen
Width   Returns the number of characters(width) displayed on the screen

Static methods
Beep   Let the terminal beep
Flash   Turn Screen to reverse video and wait a short interval then turn it back
Refresh   Rewrite the physical screen for the screen buffer.
Resize   Resize the screen to number of characters across(width) and number of characters down(height)
Resume   Resume screen updates after suspend
Suspend   Stop screen's automatic updates

Resize   Called when a screen is resized