Window (gb.ncurses)

A Window is an object that can be used to display text on the screen. In fact, you are not able to reasonably write anything to the screen without a Window involved. Such a Window occupies its own space of memory - it is tied to the screen, but does not share memory with it.

With this in mind, we can distinguish between the physical screen and an internal, virtual screen which are synchronized at will (buffered output), but by default, the component automatically synchronizes them after each operation on the Window's content.

That also means that windows may overlap without overwriting the contents of the other Windows. The mechanism of drawing the right (read: the visible, if we talk about overlapping) piece of memory to the screen, is maintained by the ncurses panel extension library. That is mainly a panel stack that chooses that right piece of memory depending on its Window's position in the panel stack.

Deze klasse kan gebruikt worden als een object door een verborgen instantie op verzoek te creƫren.

Deze klasse is creƫerbaar.

Deze klasse reageert als een alleen leesbaar reeks.

Attributes   property Read Attributes As comp/gb.ncurses.Window.Attrs
Background   Returns or sets the background color of the Window, i.e. one of the constants in Color. Changes take place on the entire content, not only for subsequent operations as it would be with using .Attributes.Color.
Border   Returns or sets whether the Window has a border. The border surrounds the Window contents and cannot be overridden by the Window routines (as opposed to the normal ncurses borders which are inner-window).
Buffered   Returns or sets whether the output to the Window is buffered or not. By default, it is not. A buffered Window will never produce output automatically but only by a call to refresh ?.
Caption   Set a window title if the window has a border. The title (or caption) is printed on the upper border of the window.
CursorX   Returns or sets the Window's cursor x position.
CursorY   Returns or sets the Window's cursor y position.
Foreground   Return or set the foreground of the Window.
H   A synonymous for Height
Height   Returns or sets the height of the Window's contents, which are independent of the border settings.
Pair   The Window.Pair property encodes the fore- and background colours of a character in a single integer, the "pair number".
Paper   A synonymous for Background
Pen   A synonymous for Foreground
W   A synonymous for Width
Width   Returns or sets the width of the Window's content, regardless of the border settings.
Wrap   Returns or sets wrapping.
X   Returns or sets the X position of the Window on the screen.
Y   Returns or sets the Y position of the Window on screen.

Ask   Function Ask ( Opts As String [ , Tries As Integer ] ) As String
Center   Centers the window on the display.
Clear   The Window.Clear() method clears the screen, i.e. it writes blanks to all characters in the window. Therefore, Window.Clear() colours your entire window with Window.Pair besides erasing all text on it.
Cls   Clear the window.
Drain   Empty the Input buffer, discard all characters
DrawHLine   Draw a line beginning at X,Y that goes Len characters on the x-axis. Ch is the character used to draw the line. For a horizontal line, one would use "-". The optional Thickness parameter specifies the expansion in y-axis direction.
DrawVLine   Draw a line beginning at X,Y that goes Len characters on the y-axis. Ch is the character used to draw the line. For a vertical line, one would use "|". The optional Thickness parameter specifies the expansion in x-axis direction.
Get   Function Get ( X As Integer, Y As Integer [ , Len As Integer ] ) As String
Hide   Remove the Window from the panel stack. It is invisible but still exists.
Locate   Move the Cursor to the location referenced by X,Y.
Lower   Send widow to background
Move   Move the Window to the new location referenced by X,Y.
Print   Sub Print ( Text As String [ , X As Integer, Y As Integer ] )
PrintCenter   This routine aims to print the given Text as close to the centre of the Window as possible. In fact, it tries to print the middle line closest to the vertical centre of the Window and the middle character in each line the closest to the horizontal centre of the Window.
Raise   Brings the window to the foreground.
Read   Reads a single character from the stdin with a timeout.
ReadLine   Read a full line from the current window.
Resize   Resize the Window as specified by W and H.
SetFocus   Set the focus on the particular Window so it raises the Read event.
SetFullscreen   Set the window to the full size of the screen
Show   Inserts the Window at the top of the panel stack. This function may be used to show a hidden Window.

Read   The Read event is raised for the currently focused Window whenever data arrives in the input queue (i.e. stdin or the keyboard directly). When, which type, and what amount of data arrives, depends on the input mode currently set.