SerialPort (

This class was designed to allow to communicate using a serial interface (usually RS-232 serial port). This class inherits from Stream class, so you can use standard streams methods to send and receive data, and to close the port.

Этот класс наследуемый Stream в gb.

Этот класс создаваемый.

Bits1   Constant used when the serial port has one stop bit.
Bits2   Constant used when the serial port has two stop bits.
Bits5   Constant used when the serial port has 5 data bits.
Bits6   Constant used when the serial port has 6 data bits.
Bits7   Constant used when the serial port has 7 data bits.
Bits8   Constant used when the serial port has 8 data bits.
Both   Constant used when the serial port has both software and hardware flow control.
Even   This constant represents an even parity for the serial port.
Hardware   Constant used when the serial port has hardware flow control.
None   This constant is used in the following cases:
Odd   This constant represents an odd parity for the serial port.
Software   Constant used when the serial port has software flow control.

CTS   Returns current status of the "Clear To Send" serial port signal, or FALSE if port is closed.
DCD   Returns current status of the "Data Carrier Detect" serial port signal, or FALSE if port is closed.
DSR   Returns current status of the "Data Set Ready" serial port signal, or FALSE if port is closed.
DTR   Returns or Sets current status of the "Data Terminal Ready" serial port signal. This value cannot be set when serial port is closed. If serial port is closed and you read this property, it returns FALSE.
DataBits   Return or set the number of data bits used by the serial port.
FlowControl   Return or set the serial port flow control.
InputBufferSize   Return the number of bytes of the internal input buffer.
OutputBufferSize   Return the number of bytes of the internal output buffer.
Parity   Returns or sets the serial port parity.
PortName   Returns or sets current serial port device path. This property can be changed only when serial port is closed.
RNG   Returns current status of the "Ring Indicator" serial port signal, or FALSE if port is closed.
RTS   Returns or Sets current status of the "Request To Send" serial port signal. This value cannot be set when serial port is closed. If serial port is closed and you read this property, it returns FALSE.
Speed   Place here communication speed in bauds, speed value must be a valid standard value allowed by the serial port driver (19200, 9600...). Be careful, as some common speed values like 38400 bauds are allowed by modems, but not by all serial port chips.
Status   Reflects the current status of a SerialPort object. It can be:
StopBits   Return or set the serial port stop bits.

Inherited properties
Blocking   Returns or sets if the stream is blocking.
ByteOrder   Returns or sets the byte order used to read or write binary data to the stream.
EndOfFile   This property signals whether the last use of LINE INPUT reached the end of file, instead of reading a full line with an end-of-line character.
EndOfLine   Return or set the newline separator used by this stream.
Eof   Return if a stream reached its end.
Handle   Returns the system file descriptor associated with this Stream.
IsTerm   Return if a stream is associated with a terminal.
Lines   Returns a virtual object that allows you to enumerate a stream line by line.
NullTerminatedString   Return or set if strings are null-terminated when they are serialized.
Tag   Returns or sets the tag associated with the stream.
Term   Return a virtual object that allows to manage the terminal associated with the stream.

Clear   Clear the input/output buffers.
Open   Opens the serial port.

Inherited methods
Begin   Start to buffer data written to the stream, so that everything will be sent when the Send method is called.
Close   Closes the stream.
Drop   Drop the data that has been buffered since the last call to the Begin method.
ReadLine   Read a line of text from the stream, like the LINE INPUT instruction.
Send   Send all the data, in one shot, since the last call to Begin.
Watch   Start or stop watching the stream file descriptor for reading or writing, after it has been opened.

CTSChange   Raised when CTS signal value changes.
DCDChange   Raised when DCD signal value changes.
DSRChange   Raised when DSR signal value changes.
DTRChange   Raised when DTR signal value changes.
RNGChange   Raised when RNG signal value changes.
RTSChange   Raised when RTS signal value changes.
Read   Raised when there is data to be read from the serial port.