Drag (gb.qt4)

This static class is used for managing drag & drop processes.

Aquesta classe és estàtica.

Aquesta classe pot ser usada com a static function.

Copy   Constant used by the Action property to indicate that a drag & drop operation is a copy.
Image   Constant used by the Type property for indicating that the dropped data is an Image.
Link   Constant used by the Action property to indicate that a drag & drop operation is a link.
Move   Constant used by the Action property to indicate that a drag & drop operation is a move.
None   Constant used by the Type property for indicating that the type of the dropped data is unknown.
Text   Constant used by the Type property for indicating that the dropped data is some text.

Static properties
Action   Returns the action associated with a drop.
Data   Returns the data that was dropped.
Format   Returns the format of the dropped data, as a MIME type.
Formats   Returns the different formats used for storing the dragged data as a string array of mime types.
Icon   Returns or sets the icon used during the drag & drop operation.
IconX   Returns or sets the icon hotspot X coordinate.
IconY   Returns or sets the icon hotspot Y coordinate.
Item   Return or set the item associated with the drag & drop operation.
Pending   Returns if a drag & drop operation is pending.
Source   Returns the source of the drag & drop operation.
Type   Returns the type of the dropped data.
X   Returns the relative horizontal mouse coordinate of a drop event.
Y   Returns the relative vertical mouse coordinate of a drop event.

Static methods
Hide   Hides the drop frame displayed by the Show method.
Paste   Returns the dropped data by using the specified format.
Show   Displays a frame inside a control to indicate that it accepts drop.

See also

Drag & Drop