Draw (gb.qt4)

This class is used for drawing on a Picture, or a DrawingArea object.

Before starting drawing anything, you must call the Begin method by passing it the object where you want to draw.

Then you can call any of the drawing methods to draw points, lines, texts, pictures...

When your drawing is finished, you must call the End method.

You cannot draw on a DrawingArea outside of its Draw event handler, unless its Cached property is set. In that case, the DrawingArea acts like a Picture.

Поскольку 3.4

The Draw class is deprecated since Gambas 3.4. It is now emulated through the Paint class.

Этот класс статический.

Disabled   This constant is used by the style methods for drawing a control in its disable state.
Focus   This constant is used by the style methods for drawing a control having the focus.
Hover   This constant is used by the style methods for drawing a control hovered by the mouse cursor.
Normal   This constant is used by the style methods for drawing a control in its active state.

Статические свойства
Background   Returns or sets the background color used for drawing brushes or text.
Clip   Returns a virtual object used for managing the clipping area of a drawing.
ClipRect   Return or set the clipping rectangle.
Device   Returns the device being drawn.
FillColor   Returns or sets the color used by filling drawing methods.
FillStyle   Returns or sets the style used by filling drawing methods.
FillX   Returns or sets the horizontal origin of the brushes used by filling drawing methods.
FillY   Returns or sets the vertical origin of the brushes used by filling drawing methods.
Font   Returns or sets the font used for drawing texts.
Foreground   Returns or sets the foreground color used for drawing brushes, text and lines.
H   A synonymous for the Height property.
Height   Returns the height of the area that can be drawn.
Invert   Indicates that all drawing primitives combine their pixel colors with the pixel colors of the destination with an exclusive or operation.
LineStyle   Returns or sets the style used for drawing lines.
LineWidth   Returns or sets the width used for drawing lines.
Style   Returns a virtual class that groups the style drawing methods together.
Transparent   Indicates that some drawing methods like Draw.Text are transparent, i.e. that they do not fill their background.
W   A synonymous for the Width property.
Width   Returns the width of the area that can be drawn.

Статические методы
Arc   Draw an arc.
Begin   Begins a new drawing. The device can be one of the following objects:
Circle   Draw a circle or a pie.
Clear   Clears the drawing device with the background color.
Ellipse   Draw an ellipse or a pie.
End   Ends a drawing.
FillRect   Fills the specified rectangle with the specified color.
Image   Draws an Image, or part of it.
Line   Draws a line.
Picture   Draws a Picture, or part of it.
Point   Draws a single pixel.
PolyLine   Draws a polyline, i.e. a void polygon.
Polygon   Draws a polygon.
Rect   Draws a rectangle.
Reset   Resets the transformation matrix.
Restore   Restore the state of all drawing properties that were previously saved by the Save method.
RichText   Draws a piece of rich text.
RichTextHeight   Returns the height of a piece of rich text.
RichTextWidth   Returns the width of a piece of rich text.
Save   Saves the state of all drawing properties.
Scale   Modify the transformation matrix so that drawing are scaled by the specified vector.
Text   Draws a text.
TextHeight   Returns the height of a text drawing.
TextWidth   Returns the width of a text drawing.
Tile   Draws a tiled picture.
Translate   Modify the transformation matrix so that drawing are translated by the specified vector.