Paint (gb.qt4)

This class is used for doing anti-aliased painting on various targets.

Deze klasse is statisch.

ExtendPad   Pixels outside of the brush copy the closest pixel.
ExtendReflect   The brush is tiled by reflecting at the edges.
ExtendRepeat   The pattern is tiled by repeating.
FillRuleEvenOdd   Constant used to select how paths are filled.
FillRuleWinding   Constant used to select how paths are filled.
LineCapButt   Specifies to render the endpoints of the path when stroking by starting(stopping) the line exactly at the start(end) point.
LineCapRound   Specifies to render the endpoints of the path when stroking by using a round ending, the center of the circle being the end point.
LineCapSquare   Specifies to render the endpoints of the path when stroking by using squared ending, the center of the square being the end point.
LineJoinBevel   Specifies to render the junction of two lines by using a cut-off join, the join being cut off at half the line width from the joint point.
LineJoinMiter   Specifies to render the junction of two lines by using a sharp (angled) corner.
LineJoinRound   Specifies to render the junction of two lines by using a rounded join, the center of the circle being the joint point.
OperatorATop   Compositing operator that draws the source on top of destination content and only there.
OperatorAdd   Compositing operator that accumulates the source and destination layers.
OperatorClear   Compositing operator that clears the destination layer (bounded).
OperatorColorBurn   Composition operator that darkens the destination color to reflect the source color.
OperatorColorDodge   Compositing operator that brightens the destination color to reflect the source color.
OperatorDarken   Compositing operator that replaces the destination with the source if it is darker, otherwise keeps the source.
OperatorDest   Compositing operator that ignores the source.
OperatorDestATop   Compositing operator that leaves the destination on top of source content and only there (unbounded).
OperatorDestIn   Compositing operator that leaves the destination only where there was source content (unbounded).
OperatorDestOut   Compositing operator that leaves the destination only where there was no source content.
OperatorDestOver   Compositing operator that draws the destination on top of the source.
OperatorDifference   Compositing operator that takes the difference of the source and destination color.
OperatorExclusion   Compositing operator that produces an effect similar to difference, but with lower contrast.
OperatorHardLight   Compositing operator that multiplies or screens, dependent on source color.
OperatorIn   Compositing operator that draws the source where there was destination content (unbounded).
OperatorLighten   Compositing operator that replaces the destination with the source if it is lighter, otherwise keeps the source.
OperatorMultiply   Compositing operator that multiply the source and destination layers. This causes the result to be at least as dark as the darker inputs.
OperatorOut   Compositing operator that draws the source where there was no destination content (unbounded).
OperatorOver   Compositing operator that draws the source layer on top of the destination layer (bounded).
OperatorOverlay   Compositing operator that multiplies or screens, depending on the lightness of the destination color.
OperatorSaturate   The output is the source color multiplied by the destination. Multiplying a color with white leaves the color unchanged, while multiplying a color with black produces black.
OperatorScreen   Compositing operator that complement and multiply the source and the destination. This causes the result to be at least as light as the lighter inputs.
OperatorSoftLight   Compositing operator that darkens or lightens, dependent on source color.
OperatorSource   Compositing operator that replaces the destination layer (bounded).
OperatorXor   Compositing operator that shows source and destination where there is only one of them.

Statische eigenschappen
AntiAlias   Return or set if the painting will be anti-aliased.
Background   Return or set the background color.
Brush   Returns or sets the brush used for drawing.
BrushOrigin   Return or set the brush origin.
ClipExtents   Computes a bounding box in user coordinates covering the area inside the current clip.
ClipRect   Return or set the clipping region as a rectangle.
Dash   Returns or sets the dash pattern to be used by Paint.Stroke.
DashOffset   Returns or sets the offset used for drawing dashes.
Device   Returns the device you are drawing on with the Paint class.
FillRule   Returns or sets the current fill rule within the current drawing.
Font   Returns or sets the font used for painting text.
FontScale   Return or set a scale that is transparently applied to the size of the painting font.
H   Returns the height of the device being painted.
Height   Returns the height of the device being painted.
LineCap   Returns or sets the current line cap style within the current paiting.
LineDash   A synonymous of Dash.
LineDashOffset   A synonymous of DashOffset.
LineJoin   Returns or sets the current line join style within the current painting.
LineWidth   Returns or sets the current line width. The line width value specifies the diameter of a pen that is circular in user space, though device-space pen may be an ellipse in general due to scaling/shear/rotation of the current transformation matrix (CTM).
Matrix   Returns or sets the current transformation matrix.
MiterLimit   Returns or sets the current miter limit.
Opacity   Return or set the global opacity of the drawing routines.
Operator   Returns or sets the compositing operator to be used for all drawing operations.
PathExtents   Computes a bounding box in user-space coordinates covering the points on the current path.
PathOutline   Return a array of polygons corresponding to the current drawing path.
ResolutionX   Returns the horizontal resolution of the device being painted.
ResolutionY   Returns the vertical resolution of the device being painted.
TextHeight   Return the height of one line of text.
W   Returns the width of the device being painted.
Width   Returns the width of the device being painted.
X   Returns the X coordinate of the current point.
Y   Returns the Y coordinate of the current point.

Statische methode
Arc   Adds a circular arc of the given Radius to the current path. The arc is centered at (XC, YC), begins at Angle and proceeds counter-clockwise during Length radians.
Arrow   Add an arrow to the current path.
Begin   Starts painting on the specified device.
Check   Add a check mark to the current path.
Circle   Paint a circle.
Clip   Establishes a new clip region by intersecting the current clip region with the current path as it would be filled by Paint.Fill and according to the current fill rule (see Paint.FillRule).
ClosePath   Adds a line segment to the path from the current point to the beginning of the current sub-path, (the most recent point passed to Paint.MoveTo), and closes this sub-path. After this call the current point will be at the joined endpoint of the sub-path.
Color   Creates a new brush corresponding to an opaque or translucent color.
CurveTo   Adds a cubic Bézier spline to the path from the current point to position (X3, Y3) in user-space coordinates, using (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) as the control points. After this call the current point will be (X3, Y3).
DrawImage   Draw an Image, or part of it.
DrawPicture   Draw a Picture, or part of it.
DrawRect   Draw a rectangle frame
DrawRichText   Draws a piece of rich text.
DrawRichTextShadow   Draw the shadow of a rich text.
DrawText   Draws the specified text.
DrawTextShadow   Draw the shadow of a text.
Ellipse   Adds an elliptic arc to the current path. The ellipse is defined by its (X, Y, Width, Height) bounding-box, begins at Angle and proceeds counter-clockwise during Length radians.
End   Ends a painting.
Fill   A drawing operator that fills the current path according to the current fill rule, (each sub-path is implicitly closed before being filled).
FillRect   Fill a rectangle with a specific color.
Image   Creates a new brush from an image.
LineTo   Adds a line to the path from the current point to position (X, Y) in user-space coordinates. After this call the current point will be (X, Y).
LinearGradient   Creates a new linear gradient brush along the line defined by (X0, Y0) and (X1, Y1), and using color stops defined by the Colors and Positions arguments.
MoveTo   Begin a new sub-path. After this call the current point will be (X, Y).
NewPath   Clears the current path. After this call there will be no path and no current point.
PathContains   Tests whether the given point is inside the area described by the current path. Device dimensions and clipping are not taken into account.
Polygon   Add a closed sub-path polygon to the current path.
Polyline   Paint a polyline
RadialGradient   Creates a new radial gradient paint brush that interpolates colors between a focal point ( FX , FY ) and end points on a circle defined by ( CX0 , CY0 , Radius0 ), and using color stops defined by the Colors and Positions arguments.
Rectangle   Adds a closed sub-path rectangle of the given size to the current path at position (X, Y) in user-space coordinates.
RelCurveTo   Relative-coordinate version of CurveTo.
RelLineTo   Relative-coordinate version of LineTo.
RelMoveTo   Begin a new sub-path. After this call the current point will be offset by (X, Y).
Reset   Resets the transformation matrix to the identity.
ResetClip   Reset the current clip region to its original, unrestricted state. That is, set the clip region to an infinitely large shape containing the target surface. Equivalently, if infinity is too hard to grasp, one can imagine the clip region being reset to the exact bounds of the target surface.
Restore   Restores the drawing state to the state saved by a preceding call to Save and removes that state from the stack of saved states.
RichText   Adds the specified rich text to the current path, using the current font defined by the Font property.
RichTextExtents   Gets the extents for a string of rich text.
RichTextSize   Return the bounding box needed by a string of rich text.
Rotate   Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by rotating the user-space axes by angle radians. The rotation of the axes takes places after any existing transformation of user space. The rotation direction for positive angles is from the positive X axis toward the positive Y axis.
Save   Makes a copy of the current drawing state and saves it on an internal stack of saved states.
Scale   Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by scaling the X and Y user-space axes by sx and sy respectively. The scaling of the axes takes place after any existing transformation of user space.
SmoothPolyline   Paint a smooth polyline.
StretchImage   Stretch and draw an image or part of an image so that it fits a specified rectangle.
Stroke   A drawing operator that strokes the current path according to the current line width, line join, line cap, and dash settings.
Text   Adds the specified text to the current path, using the current font defined by the Font property.
TextExtents   Gets the extents for a string of text.
TextSize   Return the bounding box needed by a string of text.
Translate   Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by translating the user-space origin by (TX, TY).
TrimRichText   Return a trimmed version of the specified rich text so that it fits the requested rectangle.
TrimText   Return a trimmed version of the specified text so that it fits the requested rectangle.
ZoomImage   Draw a quick zoomed version of an image or a part of it.

Paint can draw on the following targets: Before starting drawing anything, you must call the Paint.Begin method by passing it the object you want to draw.

Then you can draw what you want in three steps: When your drawing is finished, you must call the Paint.End method.

The interface of this class is very close to the Cairo drawing model.