ReportBorder (

This class implements an object that depicts the border of a ReportControl.

This class is creatable.

This class acts like a read-only static array.

None   Constant for no ReportBorder.
Solid   Constant for a solid ReportBorder.

Brush   Returns or sets the same reportbrush for all the borders
Left   This property return the left side border.
Right   This property return the right side border.
RoundCorner   This property is not yet ready to be used
Style   To return or set the ReportBorder style.
Top   This property return the top side border.
Width   Returns or sets the width of the border
bottom   This property return the bottom side border.

ToString   Return a formated string that contain the border description.

Remember to take a look to the array property on the top of this page by clicking on the read-only link.