Settings (gb.settings)

This class manages global configuration files.

This class can be used like an object by creating a hidden instance on demand.

This class is creatable.

This class acts like a read / write array.

Static properties
DefaultDir   This property returns the default directory where settings configuration files are stored.

Static methods
FromString   Return a value from its settings internal string representation
ToString   Convert a value into its settings internal string representation

Count   Return the number of entries in the settings file
Keys   Return a virtual object used for enumerating all the keys used by the setting file.
Path   Return the path of the setting file.

Clear   Clears all settings.
Exist   Return if the specified settings key has a value
Read   Initializes the specified object from the settings file.
Reload   Cancels all settings changes, by reloading the settings file.
Save   Saves the configuration file to the disk.
Write   Writes the settings of the specified object in the settings file.

If you use this class statically, then the default project configuration file will be used.

The path of the default configuration file is:

User.Home &/ ".config/gambas3" &/ Application.Name & ".conf"

For example, the development environment configuration file is stored in ~/.config/gambas3/gambas3.conf

This example loads a window's position from a settings file when a form is opened. If the settings file does not exist, then the form's default position would be used. The example also saves the forms position when the form closes. The default settings file for the application is used.


PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()
  ' Update window position from settings file
  ' If the settings file is not found then
  ' use default position.
  ME.Top = Settings["Window/Top", ME.Top]
  ME.Left = Settings["Window/Left", ME.Left]
  ME.Height = Settings["Window/Height", ME.Height]
  ME.Width = Settings["Window/Width", ME.Width]

PUBLIC SUB Form_Close()
  ' Save window settings when application closes
  Settings["Window/Top"] = ME.Top
  Settings["Window/Left"] = ME.Left
  Settings["Window/Height"] = ME.Height
  Settings["Window/Width"] = ME.Width

The saved settings file would look something like the following settings in the Window group.

PUBLIC SUB ShowASpecialSetting()
  DIM prhOtherConfFile as Settings
  DIM prhLangUsed as String

  ' Read a setting from a file used by another application
  ' located in /home/user/.config/otherapp/
  ' and named "international.conf"
  'First create a new instance of Settings class
  'with the full path to desired file
  prhOtherConfFile = NEW Settings("/home/user/.config/otherapp/international.conf")
  'next read the "Lang1" value from the "UserPreferences" section
  prhLangUsed = prhOtherConfFile["UserPreferences/Lang1", NULL]
  IF IsNull(prhLangUsed) THEN
    Message.Info("No Lang1 found in conf file (or no Section named UserPreferences)")
    Message.Info("The value of Lang1 that found in conf file is:\n" & prhLangUsed)

Note that you can directly use the Write method to store the settings of a window, and the Read method to recall them.

Shutting computer down
When you close your program the settings are automatically saved but if your program is running in the background and your computer is shutdown it will hard exit and not save the settings. So if your program is likely to still be running during the system shutdown and not closed manually then you should use the Save function to save the settings as they are changed and not leave it for when the program exits normally (as it won't exit normally)

Using QUIT to exit
The same is said if you use QUIT to exit your program.
This will kill the program process immediately before the Settings save so again you must use Settings.Save before using QUIT.