_WebTreeItem (gb.web.gui)

This class is virtual.

This class is not creatable.

This class acts like a read / write array.

Background   Return or set the item background color.
Children   Return the number of children items.
Count   Return the number of children items.
Depth   Return the item depth inside the whole tree.
Editable   Return or set if the item is editable.
Expanded   Return of set if the item is expanded.
Foreground   Return or set the item foreground color.
Html   Return or set the item HTML text.
Image   Return or set the item image.
Key   Return the item key
ParentKey   Return the key of the parent item, or NULL if the item has no parent.
Selected   Return or set if the item is selected.
Tag   This property is intended for the programmer and is never used by the component. It can contain any Variant value.
Text   Return or set the item text.

Clear   Remove all item children.
Delete   Remove the item.
EnsureVisible   Ensure that the item is visible on the screen.
MoveAfter   Move the item just after another item.
MoveBefore   Move the item just before another item.
MoveFirst   Move the item so that it becomes the first child of its parent.
MoveLast   Move the item so that it becomes the last child of its parent.
Reparent   Change the parent of the item.