Application (gb.web.gui)

Aquesta classe reimplementa Application in gb.web.

Aquesta classe és estàtica.

Static properties
Theme   Return or set the application global theme.

Inherited static properties
Args   Returns an array containing the arguments passed to the program by the shell.
Daemon   Set this property to TRUE to make the current application a daemon.
Dir   Returns the application directory.
Env   Returns a virtual collection of strings containing the process environment variables.
Handle   Returns the system pid (process identifier) of your program. This returns the same value as the property named Id.
Host   Returns the current host.
Id   Returns the system pid (process identifier) of your program. This returns the same value as the property named Handle.
LogFile   Return or set the path of the file where the standard error output will be redirected.
Name   Return the application name.
ParentHandle   Return the identifier of the parent of the current process.
Path   Returns the application path, i.e. the directory where it resides.
Port   Return the port specified in the url request.
Priority   Return or set the current process priority.
Protocol   Returns or sets the protocol used by the HTTP request.
Request   Returns the request submitted to the cgi application.
Root   Returns the root path of all requests submitted to the cgi application.
Startup   Return the startup class object.
Task   Return if we are executing a background task.
TempDir   Return the directory where the temporary files of the current process are stored.
Title   Returns the title of the application being executed.
Version   Returns the program version, as defined in the IDE project properties dialog.