WebTree (gb.web.gui)

This control implements a tree view of selectable text items with icons.

Tree view items are indexed by a key. They display a string and an icon for each item.

This control has an internal cursor used for accessing its items. Use the MoveFirst, MoveNext, MoveTo... methods to move the internal cursor, and the Item property to get the item it points at.

Aquesta classe hereta WebControl.

Aquesta classe és creable.

Aquesta classe actua com una matriu només lectura.

Inherited static methods
FromId   Return a WebControl from its identifier.
FromName   Return a WebControl from its name.

Available   Return if the Item property is valid.
Columns   Return a virtual collection of the columns of the view.
Count   Returns the number of items in the view.
Current   Return the current item, i.e. the item is selected in single selection mode.
Item   Return the item pointed by the internal cursor, or NULL if the internal cursor is not available.
Key   Return the key of the Current item.
Keys   Return a list of all items keys
Mode   Returns or sets the selection mode.
ScrollX   Return or set the horizontal scrolling position.
ScrollY   Return or set the vertical scrolling position.
Selection   Return the keys of the selected items as as string array.
ShowCheck   Return or set if selection is indicated by check boxes and radio buttons, or by highlighting the items.
ShowHeader   Return or set if the header is visible.

Inherited properties
Background   Return or set the background color of the control.
Border   Return or set if the control has a border.
Class   Return or set the specific CSS classes added to the control.
Enabled   Return or set if the control is enabled.
Expand   Return or set if the control should expand its size according to its parent arrangement mode.
Font   Return or set the specific font of the control.
Foreground   Return or set the foreground color of the control.
Form   Return the web form that control belongs to.
H   Return or set the explicit height of the control.
Height   Return or set the explicit height of the control.
Id   Return the server control identifier.
Ignore   Return or set if the control must be ignored by its parent container in automatic arrangement mode.
Name   Return or set the name of the control, used as an identifier on the client side.
Parent   Return the parent container of the control.
Style   Return a virtual object that allows to define specific style sheet elements of the control.
Tag   Returns or sets the control tag.
Tooltip   Return or set the tooltip displayed when the mouse cursor hovers the control.
Visible   Return or set if the control is visible.
W   Return or set the explicit width of the control.
Width   Return or set the explicit width of the control.

Add   Add an item to the view.
AddColumn   Add a new column to the view.
Clear   Clear the view.
Exist   Return if an item exists with the Key key.
MoveAbove   Move the internal cursor one visible item above.
MoveBack   When one of the other Move... methods has failed, you can use this one to move the internal cursor back to its position before the move.
MoveBelow   Move the internal cursor one visible item below.
MoveChild   Move the internal cursor to the first child item of the item currently pointed by the internal cursor.
MoveFirst   Move the internal cursor to the first item of the view.
MoveLast   Move the internal cursor to the last item of the view.
MoveNext   Move the internal cursor to the next child item.
MoveParent   Move the internal cursor to the parent item of the item currently pointed by the internal cursor.
MovePrevious   Move the internal cursor to the previous child item.
MoveTo   Move the internal cursor to a specified item.
Remove   Remove an item from the view.
SelectAll   Select all items in the view.
UnSelectAll   Unselect all items in the view.

Inherited methods
AddClass   Add a specific class to the Class property.
Delete   Delete the control
Hide   Hide the control.
IsHidden   Return if the control or one of its parent is hidden.
Lower   Lower the control.
Raise   Raise the control.
Refresh   Refresh the control.
RemoveClass   Remove a specific class from the Class property.
SetFocus   Set the focus on the control.
Show   Show the control.

Activate   This event is raised when an item is double-clicked.
Click   This event is raised when a control embedded in a cell raises its Click event.
Collapse   This event is raised when an item is collapsed.
Data   This event is raised when the contents of a specific item is needed (usually to draw it).
Expand   This event is raised when an item is expanded.
Select   This event is raised when the selection changes.

Inherited events
Enter   This event is raised when the mouse cursor enters the control.
KeyPress   This event is raised when a keyboard key is pressed while the control has the focus.
Leave   This event is raised when the mouse cursor leaves the control.
Render   This event is raised just after the rendering of the control, so that you can add your own HTML contents.