
Result = Dir ( Directory AS String [ , Pattern AS String , Options AS Integer ] ) AS String[]

Return a string array that contains the names of files located in Directory that match the Pattern.

The pattern can contain the same generic characters than the LIKE operator. If no pattern is specified, any file name is returned.

The Options argument specifies what kind of files will be returned.

It takes one of the following values:
  • gb.File for returning only files.

  • gb.Directory for returning only directories.

  • gb.File + gb.Directory for returning both.

If Options is not specified, all files and directories are returned.

The file names returned are relative to the directory searched. They do not contain the path to the searched directory.

Since 3.20

If you add the gb.FullPath constant to the Options argument, the Directory path is added to each returned file.

Note that the pattern does not apply to the directory part in that case.


' Print the png image files in a directory, in alphabetical order.

SUB PrintDirectory(Directory AS String)

  DIM File AS String

  FOR EACH File IN Dir(Directory, "*.png").Sort()
    PRINT File


' Print all non-hidden files in the user home directory.

DIM fileName AS String

FOR EACH fileName IN Dir(User.Home, "[^.]*")
  PRINT fileName

' Print png and jpeg images in the user home directory.

DIM Directory AS String
DIM Files AS String[]
DIM FileName AS String

Directory = System.User.Home
Files = Dir(Directory, "*.png")
Files.Insert(Dir(Directory, "*.jpg"))
Files.Insert(Dir(Directory, "*.jpeg"))

FOR EACH FileName IN Files
  PRINT FileName

' Prints only files in the user home directory.

DIM fileName AS String

FOR EACH fileName IN Dir(User.Home, "*", gb.File)
  PRINT fileName

' Prints only sub directories in the user home directory.

DIM directoryName AS String

FOR EACH directoryName IN Dir(User.Home, "*", gb.Directory)
  PRINT directoryName

' Prints non-hidden sub directories in the user home directory.

DIM directoryName AS String

FOR EACH directoryName IN Dir(User.Home, "[^.]*", gb.Directory)
  PRINT directoryName

See also