Enumeration declaration
{ PUBLIC | PRIVATE } ENUM Identifier [ = Value ] [ , Identifier [ = Value ] ... ]
This keyword declares an enumeration, i.e. a list of integer constants.
If the
Value of a constant is not specified, then it will be the value of the previous constant plus one, or zero for the first constant.
All constants are accessible everywhere in the class they are declared.
If the
keyword is specified, they are also accessible to the other
classes having a reference to an object of this class.
Public Enum Normal = &H00, Left = &H01, Right = &H02, Center = &H03, TopNormal = &H10, TopLeft = &H11, TopRight = &H12,
Top = &H13, BottomNormal = &H20, BottomLeft = &H21, BottomRight = &H22, Bottom = &H23
Private Enum None, Horizontal, Vertical, Row, Column, Fill
See also