DesktopFile.Actions (gb.desktop)

Property Actions As String[]

Get or set a string array of the Actions field for a .desktop file.

Actions are the alternative methods of running an application given when right clicking the icon on various launchers like desktop panels.

Each item listed in Actions MUST be accompanied with a [Desktop Action ] entry to match.

Reading DesktopFile.Actions returns an array of the Keys from the Actions filed so you cannot modify it directly. To modify you must write the DesktopFile.Actions

For example to remove the second item..

This will not work..


But this will...

Dim sKeys as String[] = MyDesktopFile.Actions
MyDesktopFile.Actions = sKeys

For a clearer example take a look at the gambas.desktop file that installs when you install Gambas...

Reading the DesktopFile.Actions of the gambas.desktop file would return ["QT4", "QT5", "GTK3"]

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Gambas 3
GenericName=Gambas 3 IDE
GenericName[fr]=EDI Gambas 3
GenericName[ru]=Gambas 3 IDE(ИСР)
Comment=Gambas3 Integrated Development Environment
Comment[fr]=Environnement de développement intégré Gambas 3
Comment[ru]=Gambas 3 IDE(ИСР) - альтернатива для Visual Basic

[Desktop Action QT4] Name=Run with QT 4 Name[fr]=Exécuter avec QT 4 Exec=env GB_GUI=gb.qt4 gambas3

[Desktop Action QT5] Name=Run with QT 5 Name[fr]=Exécuter avec QT 5 Exec=env GB_GUI=gb.qt5 gambas3

[Desktop Action GTK3] Name=Run with GTK+ 3 Name[fr]=Exécuter avec GTK+ 3 Exec=env GB_GUI=gb.gtk3 gambas3