_TextEditor_Line (gb.form.editor)

This virtual class represents a specific line of a TextEditor.

Esta classe é virtual.

Esta classe não é instanciável.

Added   Return if the line is an added line in "diff mode".
Bookmark   Returns or sets whether the line is bookmarked.
Breakpoint   Returns or sets whether the line is a breakpoint (for the Debugger).
Disabled   Return or set if the line is a disabled breakpoint.
Expanded   Return or set if the line is expanded.
H   Return the line height in pixels.
Height   Return the line height in pixels.
InitialState   Return a virtual object that represents the initial highlighting state of the line.
Length   Return the line length in UTF-8 characters.
Limit   Return if the line has a limit mark, i.e. if it is the beginning of a function.
Text   Return or set the text contents of the line.

Paint   Paint that line on the current painter at a specified position.
Purge   Purge the line from its comments and/or strings, according to its highlighting.
Refresh   Redraw the line contents.