TextEditor.FindPreviousString (gb.form.editor)

Function FindPreviousString ( Search As String, ByRef Start As Integer [ , ByRef Column As Integer ] ) As Integer

Find the previous line containing a specific string or find the previous occurence of a string.

  • String is the string to search. The search is case insensitive.

  • Start is the line position where the search starts.

  • Column is the optional line position to search from.

If Column is supplied then the string is searched from that column, and the result is returned in the Start and Column arguments.

If no string is found, -1 is returned. Returns the line number of the next found "reverse" Search string from Start position. Returns -1 if not found.

Searches backwardly for a given Search string from the given Start line number and
returns the line number of the successful search, the 1st line being 0.

Returns -1 if Search string is not found.

Search is case insensitive.