JSONCollection (gb.util.web)

This class represents a JSON object.

It is a collection that allows to associate a Null value with a key, which is not possible with a standard Gambas collection.

It is used by the JSON.Decode() method when its UseNull argument is set.

Cette classe hérite Collection dans gb.

Cette classe est instanciable.

Cette classe se comporte comme un tableau en lecture / écriture.

Cette classe est énumérable à l'aide du mot-clef FOR EACH.

Propriétés héritées
Count   Returns the number of elements stored in the collection.
Default   Return or set the collection default value that is returned when no value is associated with a key.
Empty   Return if the collection is empty.
First   Returns the key of the first element inserted in the collection, or NULL if the collection is void.
Key   Returns the key of the last read or last enumerated element.
Keys   Return a string array of all collection keys.
Last   Returns the key of the last element inserted in the collection, or NULL if the collection is void.
Length   Returns the number of elements stored in the collection.


Méthodes héritées
Add   Adds an element to the collection.
Clear   Clears the collection.
Exist   Returns if something is associated with this key in the collection.
Remove   Removes an element from the collection.