Rss (gb.web.feed)

This class represents an RSS document. Its properties are those of its single element. It acts like an array of RssItem objects. Add your items in order and then call the ToString() method to get the XML document string.

The Title, Link and Description are necessary. All other properties are optional.

Conforming to the RSS 2.0 specification. You have to know the document structure and terminology of RSS to make use of this component.

Cette classe est instanciable.

Cette classe se comporte comme un tableau en lecture / écriture.

Cette classe est énumérable à l'aide du mot-clef FOR EACH.

Categories   An array of categories for this feed.
Cloud   Description of an associated cloud service.
Copyright   Copyright notice for the feed content.
Count   Returns the number of RssItems in this document.
Description   A description of the feed's contents.
Docs   A link to the RSS specification, to inform future generations of what an RSS file is, if they find one.
Generator   The program which generated the feed.
Image   An image associated with the feed.
Language   The language the feed content is written in. Use one of the defined values.
LastBuild   The date/timezone of the last change to the feed contents. If unset, defaults to the time the XML document is written in the local timezone.
Link   The URL to the website corresponding to this feed.
ManagingEditor   EMail address of the managing editor.
Pub   Publication date/timezone of the feed. E.g. a newspaper with daily publication would change this once a day. If unset, defaults to the time the XML document is written in the local timezone.
SkipDays   A hint for news aggregators. It gives a number of weekdays (gb.Monday, gb.Tuesday, etc.) when no new content is to be expected in the feed. A client may ignore this setting, but can also use it to save traffic. You may only specify up to 7 skip days.
SkipHours   A hint for news aggregators. It gives a number of hours in the range of 0 to 23 when no new content is to be expected in the feed. A client may ignore this setting, but can also use it to save traffic. You may only specify up to 24 skip hours.
TextInput   Describes a text input box to be displayed with the feed.
Title   The name or title of the feed.
WebMaster   EMail address of the web master.

Add   Add an RssItem to the document. If Index is given, the item is inserted at the given position in the array of items. By default it is inserted at the end.
Clear   Clear the Rss object. Sets all properties to Null and clears the item array.
FromString   Read the RSS document in XML format, given in Data, and fill the properties of this Rss object accordingly.
Remove   Remove Length-many RssItems from the item array, beginning at position Index. By default Length is 1.
Reverse   Reverse the order of RssItems.
Sort   Sort the items by their date. You can pick Mode as gb.Ascent or gb.Descent. The default is descending sort so that the newest items are first in the document.
ToString   Write this Rss object as an XML document and return its contents.