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How To Change the Tab Order of GUI Controls
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How to Create and Open a ".gmail.txt" Archive
How to deal with Git and Gitlab concerning your Project
How to deal with Git and Gitlab for Gambas
How To Deal With Subversion for Gambas
How To Display a Chinese Character
How To Draw with gb.Cairo
How To Enter Data With gb.db.form
How To Get Gambas Web Started (1)
How To Get Started
How To Interface Gambas With External Libraries
How To make a chart with the gb.chart component
How to make a report with Gambas
How To Make KDE Run Gambas Executables Automatically
How To Open, Debug & Compile The IDE
How To Open a MySQL connection and use it
How To Open a SQLite connection and use it
How To Open a Unix ODBC connection and use it
How To Package Gambas
How To Package your Project
How To Print
How to Run Gambas and Gambas Apps on Windows using WSL
How To Run Gambas On Windows using Cygwin
How To Translate A Gambas Project
How To Translate Gambas
How To Translate The Gambas IDE (deprecated)
How To Use Parallel Port
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How To Get Started


The easiest way is to install Gambas from your Linux distribution. If Gambas is not yet contained in your distribution then download the distribution from

First Steps

When finished the installation then use Gambas:

  • In a terminal window type "gambas3.gambas".

  • The Gambas IDE will open, select "New project...".

  • Select "Create a graphical application qt", click next,

  • Find a directory where to put the first project, click next.

  • Enter a name for your first project, click OK.

  • Close the tips of the day window.

  • Right click Forms, New, Forms...

  • Find the Toolbox window on the workspace. (type F6 it is not visible)

  • Select the Form Tools.

  • Select one of the object, e.g. a button, place it in the window.

  • Use F4 to display its properties

  • Double click the button the see the code, which will be executed when you click it.

  • Enter a code line e.g.
    PRINT "Hello World. It is now: ";now

  • In the project window find the start button, press it (or press F5 key).

  • An Immediate Window will be created and show the result of the PRINT command in the debug windows.

See also