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How To Translate The Gambas IDE (deprecated)

Last edit: 2024-06-16 by gbWilly

This page contains information on how Gambas IDE was translated many moons ago.
Information here is heavily outdated and not how things are done anymore

For more recent instruction see How To Translate Gambas

The Gambas IDE is made with Gambas, so you just have to open its project, located in the Gambas source archive, and to follow the standard process described in How To Translate A Gambas Project.

Send me the resulting *.po file, by exporting it, and I will insert it into the my own Gambas project. Then your name will enter the Gambas Hall Of Fame !

The gambas source archive is usually located in /usr/src directory. In UBUNTU the package is maintained by the Universe there is no default package for the source so you have to download the source.