Logger (gb.logging)

This class provides the basic mechanism for sending messages to a log.

As you can create as many Logger objects as you like, this component provides an excellent means to manage multiple active logs.

For a more advanced usage, you can use a ComplexLogger to define multiple Output, or even define your own, like sending the data over a TCP connection!

This class can be used like an object by creating a hidden instance on demand.

This class is creatable.

This class can be used as a function.

Critical   Constant that defines a log message as Critical.
Debug   Constant that defines a log message as being of Debug information level.
Error   Constant that defines a log message as being of Error level.
Info   Constant that defines a log message as being of Info (informational) level.
Stderr   Constant that defines a log message as being of standard error level.
Stdout   Constant that defines a log message as being of standard output level.
Warning   Constant that defines a log message as being of Warning level.

Enabled   Returns or sets the status of the Logger. If set to False, every call to Log will be ignored.
Format   Sets or returns the format for log messages produced by the Logger object.
Level   Sets or returns the minimum logging level for the Logger object. The levels are defined by the component's constants, viz
Output   Returns the path to where the log is being saved.

Begin   Initializes the Logger. You need to call this method before logging anything, it will make sure that the Output file is available and ready to be written.
Log   Writes sMessage to the log file, or to the defined output if the call to isEnabledFor returns True for the level iLevel .
isEnabledFor   Returns whether the Logger object is enabled for (i.e. will not ignore messages for) the message level specified by iLevel.