Memcached (gb.memcached)

This class is creatable.

This class acts like a read-only array.

Deleted   Indicates that the object was successfully deleted.
Exists   Indicates that the item you are trying to store with a cas command has been modified since you last fetched it.
NotFound   Indicates that an item with this key was not found.
Stored   Indicates that the object was successfully stored.
Touched   Indicates the the object's expiration time was updated.

Debug   Returns or sets the debugging mode.
Error   Returns the error string returned by the last command that failed.
Host   Returns or sets the memcached server.
Port   Return or set the port used for connecting to the memcached server.
SlabsAutomove   Enables or disables the Slabs Automove feature.
Status   Returns the status of the Memcached connection.
Version   Returns the version of the memcached server.

Close   Disconnects from the server.
Exec   Provides direct access to the server.
Flush   Expires every object in the memcached daemon.
Open   Starts the connection to the memcached server.
Retrieve   Function Retrieve ( sKey As Variant [ , iCas As Integer ] ) As Collection Used to retrieve a value from the server.