This component implements Gambas Report classes.

This component is deprecated.
Author Fabien Bodard.
Requires Graphical form management, Image loading and saving, gb.form.

Class Description
Arrange Constants used by the Arrangement property of some containers controls, like Window or Panel.
Report This class represent a report
ReportBorder This class implements an object that depicts the border of a ReportControl.
ReportBrush This class represents a report brush, as returned by the following methods: report.Color, report.Image, report.LinearGradient and report.RadialGradient.
ReportContainer This class is the parent class of every report control that can contain other report controls.
ReportControl This class is the parent class of all report controls.
ReportFrame This class is the parent class of every report control that have border and background.
ReportHBox This class is a report container that arranges its children horizontally.
ReportImage This class implements a control that print an image.
ReportLabel This control is a label that print a text.
ReportLine This control print a line.
ReportPadding This class represents the inner margin of some components.
ReportPanel This class is a report container that arranges its children depending on the value assigned to the property Arrangement.
ReportSection This class represent as Section in the report.
ReportSvgImage This class implements a control that print a SVG image.
ReportTextLabel This control is a label that print a Rich Text.
ReportVBox This class is a report container that arranges its children vertically
ReportVPanel This class is a container that arranges its children from left to right, and then top to bottom.