Event Window.JoyAxisMove (gb.sdl)
Event JoyAxisMove ( )
Raised when the stick (or assimilated) of an enabled joystick is moved while the
Window has the focus.
You get information about the axis moved with the
Joystick class.
PUBLIC SUB screen_JoyAxisMove()
' Move the player using the first stick
' X axis
IF (Joystick.Id = 0) THEN
IF (Joystick.Axis > 0) THEN MoveX = 1
IF (Joystick.Axis < 0) THEN MoveX = -1
IF (Joystick.Axis = 0) THEN MoveX = 0
' Y axis
IF (Joystick.Id = 1) THEN
IF (Joystick.Axis > 0) THEN MoveY = 1
IF (Joystick.Axis < 0) THEN MoveY = -1
IF (Joystick.Axis = 0) THEN MoveY = 0