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Just In Time Compiler (old version)
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Release of Gambas 3.15.1

This release provides important bug fixes since the release of Gambas 3.15.0.

See the Release Notes for the details.


Gambas 3.15.0 has been released.

This release provides the following main features and fixes:
  • A new unit test system made by Christof Thalhofer and Tobias Boege.

  • A new diff mode in the IDE code editor.

  • The ability to save and restore custom IDE layouts.

  • Enhanced support for dark themes.

  • Many fixes in the packager.

  • A new trace mode in the interpreter.

  • A new OPEN NULL syntax for opening a null stream.

  • A new PEEK instruction.

  • A new WAIT NEXT instruction.

  • The &= operator is now hundreds of times faster.

  • New special methods that allow any object to be serialized.

  • A new faster gb.web.gui component that replaces gb.web.form.

  • A new gb.poppler component that replaces gb.pdf.

See the Release Notes for all the details.


Release of Gambas 3.14.3

This release fixes an important regression in static arrays that were incorrectly read-only, and a lot of small other bugs here and there.

See the Release Notes for the details.


Release of Gambas 3.14.2

This release mainly includes a fix of the Message class that disturbs a lot of people.

See the Release Notes for the two other fixes.


Release of Gambas 3.14.1 (still Gambas π)

This release provides important last-minute fixes since the release of Gambas 3.14.0.

See the Release Notes for the details.


Gambas 3.14.0, as known as Gambas π, has been released.

This release brings the main following features:
  • The IDE can now print a source code file.

  • A 16 pixels size version of the Gambas font in medium and bold versions.

  • Support for immutable (read-only) arrays.

  • PROPERTY...USE... is a new shortcut syntax for defining properties.

  • Uncaught errors raised from an event handler can be ignored now.

  • The compiler emits column position on errors and warnings if possible.

  • Message boxes are not native anymore.

  • Web applications based on gb.web or gb.web.form now correctly handle the Accept-Language HTTP header.

As usual, there is a bunch of bug fixes. See the Release Notes for all the details.


Gambas 3.13.0 has been released.

This release fixes some disturbing bugs in Gambas 3.12, and add the following features:
  • JIT compilation is now done in background, speeding up program start.

  • The IDE now supports automatic translation tools.

  • File.RealPath() is a new method that canonicalizes a path, removing all its symbolic links.

  • Array.SortUsing() is a new method that sorts an array using an order defined by another array.

  • Array.Shuffle() is a new method that randomly shuffles the contents of an array.

  • TimeBox is a new control to enter durations.

See the Release Notes for all the details.


The playground is back.

Due to efforts from Matt Collins the Gambas playground is back, running on Gambas.One.


Gambas 3.12.2 has been released.

This release includes other important bug fixes of the 3.12.0. Especially the following:

  • Debugging application using gb.web.form works again.

  • The Debug instruction does not break the JIT compiler anymore.

See the Release Notes for the details.


Gambas 3.12.1 has been released.

This release includes all last-minute fixes made since the 3.12.0 release.

See the Release Notes for the details.


A french article about Gambas 3.12

I have written an article about the release of Gambas 3.12 for the french Linux new website

You can read it here.

An english translation may be done in the coming days.


Gambas 3.12.0 has been released.

The main feature of this release is the new Just-In-Time compiler, that replaces the old one based on a deprecated version of LLVM. This new JIT compiler translates the Gambas bytecode into C code at runtime, and uses the gcc or clang compiler to translate the C code into shared libraries.

The other important features are the following:
  • Local variables can now be declared anywhere in the function body.

  • FOR and FOR EACH syntax now can declare their loop variables.

  • String can now be accessed with the array syntax.

  • String searching is a lot faster for common cases.

  • The ScrollView, PictureBox and SpinBox controls are now implemented in Gambas.

  • Scrolling of scrollable controls is now smoothly animated.

  • Control animations and shadows can now be globally disabled.

  • FreeBSD and other BSD variants should now have no problem to compile Gambas.

  • The PowerPC64 and ARM64 architecture are now supported.

See the Release Notes for all the details.


Gambas 3.11.4 has been released.

This release includes the backports of fixes made in the development version since 3.11.3.

The main fixes are:

  • The thousand separators management has been fixed.

  • The CHMOD instruction has been fixed.

  • The sqlite session management has been fixed in the gb.web component.

  • gb.mime is now compatible with the 3.0 version of the libgmime library.

See the release notes for the other ones.


Gambas 3.11.3 has been released.

This release fixes:
  • The compilation of gb.pdf with different versions of the randomly changing poppler library.

  • Some bugs in the gb.xml and gb.xml.html components.

  • A few other bugs.


Gambas 3.11.2 has been released.

This release disables link time optimization by default, and allows Gambas to compile with older versions of Qt and GTK+.


Gambas 3.11.1 has been released.

This release fixes the compilation with older version of gcc that do not support link time optimization.


Gambas 3.11.0 has been released.

Besides tons of bug fixes, here is the main enhancements since the last version:
  • Git support.

  • Debugger interface has been redesigned.

  • Project tree emblems have been redesigned.

  • Several enhancements in image editor.

  • A new dialog for inserting special characters.

  • Braces, brackets, markups and strings are now closed automatically.

  • Two new default stock icons themes.

  • Support for octal numbers in the interpreter.

  • Uninitialized local or private global variables now raise a compiler warning.

  • RDir is faster.

See the Release Notes for all the details.

Have fun!


Gambas mailing-list has a search engine

The Gambas mailing-list, now hosted on, got a search engine.

Thanks to Christof Thalhofer for that very useful feature.


Gambas mailing-lists are now hosted on

Thanks to Christof Thalhofer and, we have now a dedicated mailing-list server for Gambas at

There is one mailing-list at the moment, named "User". Additional mailing-list will be added in the future according to the needs.

The old mailing-lists will be kept only for history purpose.

Thanks for their support!


Gambas source code is now hosted on GitLab

The Gambas source repository has been moved from SourceForge to GitLab, and Git will be used for development for now, instead of Subversion.

The new git repository is at, the first gambas being the name of the group of GitLab Gambas users, the second one being the name of the project.

The Subversion repository is now read-only.


Gambas 3.10.0 has been released.

The main important features of this new version are the following:

  • The support of web forms in the IDE has been enhanced.

  • The library packaging has been fixed.

  • CStr and CDate are now mutually coherent, by internally converting to UTC dates only. Beware, this bug fix is not backward-compatible!

  • The interpreter now uses a monotonic clock if possible.

  • The new instruction MOVE ... DOWNTO ... renames a file, erasing the destination atomically.

  • The MediaPlayer control can chain media files now.

  • The FtpClient now supports the ftps protocol.

  • gb.term is a new component to manage terminals, with an API very close to the one provided by the operating system.

  • gb.web.feed is a new component to manage RSS feeds.

  • Ton of fixes in the gb.web.form component.

See the Release Notes for all the details.



Gambas 3.9.2 has been released.

This release fixes most of the bugs found since the release of Gambas 3.9.1.

See the Release Notes for all the details.



Last version of Gambas runs on Windows

Here is a screenshot of Gambas running on Windows through Cygwin.

More information about how to install Gambas on CygWin there. The next 3.9.2 minor version should include all the needed patches. In the meantime, use the development version.


Gambas 3.9.1 has been released.

This release fixes most of the serious bugs found since the release of Gambas 3.9.0. Especially the compilation on ARM and 32 bits systems.

See the Release Notes for all the details.


Gambas 3.9.0 has been released!

There are hundreds of new features, bug fixes and optimizations in this new version.

The main feature is gb.web.form, a new component that allows to make the GUI of your web application from the Gambas IDE.

How does it work in a few words?

Almost everything is done on the server side. The user browser is mainly used as an enhanced graphical terminal running the less JavaScript as possible. Events and page refresh flow between the browser and the server through XML HTTP requests.

Besides you will see some screenshots of the configuration program of a web radio entirely made with that component. The project is run through the embedded HTTP server component gb.httpd and Chromium is the browser.

Otherwise, the main new features of Gambas 3.9 are:

  • gb.form.terminal, a new component providing a full-featured terminal emulation.

  • A new IDE output console based on the previous component.

  • A new and better project argument list interface.

  • Project creation is now based on project templates. Custom templates can be defined.

  • New library management system.

  • The Expression class is now inheritable and allows to customize the interpreter evaluator.

  • FileView and DirView controls automatically refresh themselves if your project uses the gb.inotify component.

  • TextEditor now can display thin vertical lines to emphasize indentation.

  • Menu can have a proxy, i.e. pop up the children of another menu.

  • Paint.StretchImage() is a new method that scales an image to fit a rectangle, keeping the image proportions.

  • component support PLAIN and CRAM-MD5 authentication.

See the Release Notes for all the details.

Enjoy it!


Gambas will have a terminal emulator soon.

The gb.form.terminal is a new component providing a VT-100 terminal emulator control, that you will be able to put anywhere in your application. It will be used in the development environment instead of the old rudimentary console.

Here is a few features of that terminal emulator:
  • Ability to use any font, even variable-width fonts displayed as fixed fonts. But then some characters too wide may be cut.

  • Limited or unlimited history.

  • Blinking text supported.

  • Mouse support (currently in development).

  • Line graphical characters are drawn instead of using the font glyphs.


Happy New Year!

I wish an happy new year to all Gambas users and their family.

Here is a screenshot of the new gb.web.form in use. That component allows to create the GUI of your web applications with the IDE form editor. The screenshot shows the development of a web radio in progress.


Gambas 3.8.4 has been released.

This release includes all bugs fixes since the release of Gambas 3.8.3.

Here is some important changes:
  • No crash anymore when running the IDE through a terminal server, or on old desktops that do not manage some X11 properties.

  • Support for time-only values on recent PostgreSQL databases.

  • Support for PLAIN and CRAM-MD5 authentications in

See the Release Notes for the details.


Gambas 3.8.3 has been released.

This release includes all bugs fixes since the release of Gambas 3.8.2. It includes a few enhancements and optimizations too:
  • Source files can now be dragged & dropped in the IDE project tree.

  • Project directories are now movable.

  • Support for line cap style, line join style and fill rule in the IDE image editor.

  • Array accessors are faster.

See the Release Notes for the details.


Benchmarks have been updated.

Following the latest optimizations of the Gambas interpreter, I updated the comparison benchmarks.

The different benchmarks now run less occurrences, so that the result comes faster. The Perl version of the sort benchmark has been fixed too - it was run ten times too much!


Gambas 3.8.2 has been released.

This release includes all bugs fixes since the release of Gambas 3.8.1.

It includes a few enhancements too:
  • Support for dark themes.

  • New logo, project, mime types and control icons based on the breeze theme look.

  • Project creation is now based on customizable project templates.

  • Logical set operations on selections in the image editor.

  • Relative paths now can refer to files located in the main project, in the current component, or in components crossed by stacked function calls.

  • The ODBC component is usable now.

See the Release Notes for the details.



Interview on Gambas

I have been interviewed by Randall Schwartz and Simon Phipps on the FLOSS weekly show on You can show the interview at:

If you watch it, you will probably notice that I will never become an English teacher.

Enjoy anyway!


Gambas 3.8.1 has been released.

This release includes all bugs fixes and little changes made since the release of Gambas 3.8.0.

See the Release Notes for the details.



Gambas 3.8.0 has been released.

Here are the main changes in this new version:

  • The text editor has been entirely rewritten in Gambas. It is located in a new component named gb.form.editor. That way, GTK+ programs now have a text editor with syntax highlighting for free.

  • Support for QT5. The new gb.qt5, gb.qt5.opengl and gb.qt5.webkit components have the same interface as the QT4 components.

  • Automatic support for KDE & Unity tray icon DBus protocols. Just use the TrayIcon class as before, and the new protocol will be automatically used if a DBus system tray icon is detected. Otherwise, the old X11 protocol is used.

  • Important fixed in UTF-8 string handling.

  • Searching inside native arrays is faster.

  • The SQLite3 driver has been rewritten and is faster now.

  • And of course tons of bug fixes...

See the Release Notes for all new features and bug fixes.

Let's go on holidays!


Gambas 3.7.1 has been released.

This release includes all bugs fixed since the release of Gambas 3.7.0, and the ability to open projects installed from the Gambas "farm" directly from the IDE welcome window.

See the Release Notes for the details.



Gambas 3.7.0 has been released!

This new release fixes 267 bugs, adds 299 new features and 7 optimizations.

Some of the main changes are:

  • A new software repository made with Gambas for Gambas. It allows to publish and install Gambas software.

  • Databases now can be initialized from templates automatically generated by the IDE.

  • Array accessors are now faster.

  • The MySQL database driver is faster.

  • The child process interface has been fixed and optimized.

  • New SDL2 component.

  • New scanner management component.

  • New version of the report component.

See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes.

Thanks for your patience and enjoy it!


The Gambas prayer by Bruce Bruen.

When the Sourceforge mailing-lists seem to not process mails anymore, you can try the following:

Hail Mary full of grace,
Deliver us from this terrible place,
There is no mail, there is no news
And no-one solves my Gambas blues.

We keep the faith, we hold the light,
Please get us out of this terrible plight.
My events don't fire, my handlers fold
silently, no errors told.

We hold the 'Forge in reverence
and look each hour in expectation
of clues, and even Tobi's sense
but yet there seems to be stagnation.

Mary, we do implore
that you knock upon their door,
kick their a*s*, make them move
and hopefully then things improve.



Gambas 3.6.2 has been released.

This releases fixes the annoying bugs still present in the 3.6.1 release. The IDE offline help was also updated with the new wiki look.

See the Release Notes for the details.


Gambas 3.6.1 has been released.

This release fixes many problematic bugs that were present in the 3.6.0 release. So use it instead!

See the Release Notes for the details.


Gambas 3.6.0 has been released!

This new release fixes 459 bugs, adds 465 new features and 22 optimizations.

Some of the main changes are:
  • A new open project dialog in the IDE.

  • Support for session management.

  • Offline help automatically downloaded from the wiki.

  • Single-file mode for the IDE.

  • Support for transparent windows.

  • Shadowed text drawing routines.

  • New controls: Spinner, SwitchButton, DirBox, FontBox.

  • gb.gtk3 is a new GUI component based on GTK+ 3.

  • gb.inotify is a new component to monitor filesystem events with Linux inotify interface.

  • gb.markdown is a new component that implements the Gambas Markdown syntax.

  • The component has been entirely rewritten in Gambas and fixed.

See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes.

Enjoy it!


Gambas 3.5.4 has been released.

This release includes 28 bug fixes backported from the development version. It should be used instead of the previous 3.5.x versions.

See the Release Notes for the list of all bug fixes.


An article on Gambas in Linux Format Magazine

You will see it in the the issue 184.


Gambas 3.5.3 has been released.

This release fixes about thirty bugs, and so must be used instead of the previous 3.5.x versions.

It makes the IDE help system use the new wiki too.

See the Release Notes for the list of all bug fixes.


The new Gambas wiki is officially out.

It is located at a new web site hosted by the company where I work.

That new wiki is based on the Gambas Markdown syntax as implemented in the new gb.markdown component, and the old wiki database has been automatically converted to the new markdown syntax.

Registration is now done through a dedicated registration page. You just need an e-mail and answer a Gambas computation.

The Gambas web site now points at the new wiki.

The old wiki is kept during one year to host the Gambas 2 documentation.


Gambas 3.5.2 has been released.

This release fixes more than sixty bugs, and so must be used instead of the 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 version.

See the Release Notes for the list of all bug fixes.

By the way, even if it is late, happy new year to all Gambas users!


Gambas 3.5.1 has been released.

This release must be used instead of the 3.5.0 version, because it fixes the IDE packager. But there are some bug fixes and new features related to the bug fixes too.

  • Now, if a project uses the gb.gui component, then the packager will create two extra meta-packages: one for Qt4 support, the other for GTK+ support. The Qt4 meta-package depends on the application package and the gb.qt4 binary package. The GTK+ meta-package depends on the application package and the gb.gtk binary package.

  • If OpenGL is used, the corresponding GUI opengl support packages (gb.qt4.opengl and gb.gtk.opengl) are added to the dependencies.

  • The gb.desktop.gnome component is now visible and explicitely checkable, so that it becomes an explicit dependency when creating a binary package with the packager.

  • Finally, you can now specify the package version number: this must be used when you make and deliver several different packages of the same software release.

See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes.


IMPORTANT! Ubuntu users must read this.

The Daily Builds PPA, previously located at ppa:sebikul/gambas-daily has moved to ppa:gambas-team/gambas-daily. This is to avoid Kende Kristián from performing untested changes to the Stable PPA, and avoiding potential issues.

The quickest method to update is to execute (as root):
$ add-apt-repository ppa:gambas-team/gambas-daily
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get upgrade

This way the old PPA will still be active, but will be superseded by the new one. If you would like to remove it, search the following lines in your .sources files and comment them out or delete them:

I will keep the packages there for 2 weeks to give you enough time to update. After that, executing apt-get update with the old PPA will fail with a 404 error. So eventually you will have to remove this lines.

Sebastian Kulesz.


Gambas 3.5.0 has been released!

This new release fixes more than 240 bugs and adds more than 270 new features (yes, the same numbers as the last version!).

The main changes are:

  • The IDE has a new advanced image editor.

  • The IDE can debug web applications, thanks to the embedded HTTP server component gb.httpd.

  • ARM support has been fixed.

  • A new MATCH instruction that matches regular expressions by implicitly using the gb.pcre component.

  • Global error handler support.

  • gb.clipper is a new component based on the Clipper library.

  • gb.openssl is a new component to wrap cryptographic functions of libcrypto from the OpenSSL project.

  • gb.gmp is a new component based on the Gnu Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library that implements big integers and big rational numbers.

  • gb.openal is a new component based on the OpenAL 3D audio library.

  • gb.opengl.sge is new component that implements a simple OpenGL game engine based on the MD2 format.

See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes.

Enjoy it!


Gambas 3.4.2 has been released.

Better later than never! This release fixes many annoying bugs that were still present in Gambas 3.4.1. Use it instead of the 3.4.0 or 3.4.1 version.

See the Release Notes for more details.


Gambas 3.4.1 has been released.

This release fixes many annoying bugs that were still present in Gambas 3.4. Use it instead of the 3.4.0 version.

A Gambas 3.4.2 version should follow soon with other fixes.

See the Release Notes for more details.


Gambas 3.4 has been released!

This new release fixes about 240 bugs and adds about 270 new features.

The main changes are:
  • A custom terminal font is now provided with the IDE.

  • Better subversion support in the IDE.

  • Patch support in the IDE.

  • A new gb.args component that replaces gb.option.

  • A new gb.maps component for displaying Google Maps, OpenStreetMap... inside your application.

  • Support for the freedesktop shared MIME database.

  • The old drawing API has been deprecated. Now everything is based on Cairo for GTK+.

  • Many controls are now implemented in Gambas and shared between GUI components.

  • A new fast blur method in the Image class.

  • The webkit component now has full support for DOM parsing and editing.

See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes.


Sourceforge repository has been upgraded.

Sourceforge has upgraded the Gambas project from its old management software to the new one.

Consequently, the subversion repository has been migrated to a new place, and then all the "checkout" you have done on your local computer is now invalid, and you must do a full "checkout" again.

The new 'checkout' command is:
svn checkout svn://


Gambas 3.3.4 has been released.

This release fixes thirty-nine bugs found in Gambas since the release of the 3.3.3 version.

Use it instead of any previ version!

See the Release Notes for the list of bug fixes.


Gambas 3.3.3 has been released.

This release fixes some bugs that were still present in Gambas 3.3.2.

Use it instead of the 3.3.0, 3.3.1 or 3.3.2 version!

See the Release Notes for the list of bug fixes.


Gambas 3.3.2 has been released.

This release fixes other annoying bugs that were still present in Gambas 3.3.1. And the Czech translation has been updated.

Use it instead of the 3.3.0 or 3.3.1 version!

See the Release Notes for the list of bug fixes.


Gambas 3.3.1 has been released.

This release fixes some last-minute annoying bugs of Gambas 3.3. You should really use it instead of the 3.3.0 version.

See the Release Notes for the list of bug fixes.


Gambas 3.3 has been released.

This new release fixes more than 250 bugs and adds more than 250 new features.

The main changes are:
  • A far more reliable packager.

  • Automatic local variable declaration.

  • TODO/FIXME/NOTE comments listing.

  • Bookmarks in text and code editor.

  • Background tasks.

  • Compilation warnings on unused variables, unused functions and overridden symbols.

  • Support for complex numbers based on a new gb.complex component.

  • A new component that adds new container datatypes to Gambas.

  • Support for tablets and pens in GUI components.

  • The gb.gsl component now implements polynomials, matrices, vectors and complex numbers completely.

  • Arithmetic operators work with polynomials, matrices, vectors and complex numbers.

  • A new gb.mime component that allows to encode and decode MIME messages.

  • A new component that implements a POP3 client.

See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes.


Gambas 3.2.1 has been released.

This release fixes some annoying bugs that were still present in Gambas 3.2. You should really use it instead of the 3.2.0 version.

See the Release Notes for the list of bug fixes.


Gambas 3.2 has been released.

This new release fixes more than 100 bugs and adds more than 100 new features.

The main new feature of Gambas 3.2 is the new Just-In-Time compiler made by Emil Lenngren, that can make a function or an entire class up to 100 times faster!

Otherwise the other main changes are:
  • gb.gtk.opengl is a new component that allows to use OpenGL in GTK+ applications.

  • is a new component based on GStreamer.

  • gb.ncurses is a new component based on the ncurses library made by Tobias Boege.

  • gb.xml has been entirely rewritten from scratch by Adrien Prokopowicz.

  • gb.xml.html is a new HTML generator component based on gb.xml.

  • The IDE now has an integrated profiler.

  • New ON GOTO and ON GOSUB instructions.

  • New Base64() and UnBase64() conversion functions.

See the Release Notes for the details.


Gambas 3 has now a Just In Time compiler!

This JIT compiler has been made by Emil Lenngren. It is based on LLVM 3.1.

Add the FAST keyword on the top of a class, and all methods of that class are dynamically compiled and magically become faster.

For example, the GameOfLife example becomes globally twice faster, the generation computation four times faster.

Gains are mainly expected in low-level computation and control flow, programs becoming up to about 100 times faster. Note that there are some limitations yet.

Read this document for more details.

*Beware: LLVM 3.1 must be compiled by hand on most distributions, and the very last development version of Gambas must be used.


Gambas 3 runs on Raspberry Pi!

The Raspberry system was emulated through QEMU. Compilation takes hours. X11 Display was forwarded to the host machine. Everything is sluggish.

But it works, and it's cool. :-)

*Beware: The very last development version must be used.


Gambas 3.1.1 has been released.

This release fixes some annoying bugs that were still present in Gambas 3.1. You should really use it instead of the 3.1.0 version.

See the Release Notes for the list of bug fixes.


Gambas 2.24.0 has been released.

This release should be the very last version of Gambas2.

It includes all pending bug fixes that were not yet released. Moreover, it can be compiled against Trinity.

See the Release Notes for the details.


Gambas 3.1 has been released.

This new release is a big Easter egg that fixes more than 150 bugs and adds more than 120 new features.

All Gambas 3.x versions will be backward-compatible. Beware that this is taken into account by the IDE packager only since Gambas 3.1!

The Easter egg includes the following main new features:
  • A usable and reliable packager.

  • Undo & redo support in the form editor.

  • ASP-like webpage support.


  • A GOSUB instruction.

  • A faster interpreter stack.

  • A working gb.db.form component.

  • A new GridView control made in Gambas.

  • A new gb.gsl component that will provide an interface to the GNU Scientific Library.

See the Release Notes for the details.



Happy New Year! As promised (hu hu), Gambas 3 has been delivered during the 2011 year. :-)

Again, many many bugs were fixed and last-minute features were implemented:
  • The special mathematical functions of glibc are correctly detected and used now.

  • Floating point numbers should be printed in a better way.

  • French, Czech and Catalan translations were updated.

And two security holes were closed:
  • String hashing algorithm has been randomized. See that document for the details.

  • In the IDE, you cannot get the project version by running a program (what a stupid idea!). Now you get it from a text file located in a parent directory of the project.

See the Release Notes for the full ChangeLog.

And tell me that is not a pretty present for 2012. :-)

*Please report as much as possible if compilation and installation on your system are ok or not, and if your distribution has binary packages of Gambas 3!


Gambas 7th Release Candidate

Merry Christmas! This is the last release candidate of Gambas 3 before the final release, that is planned for 31 Dec 2011.

As many bugs as possible were fixed, and a few last-minute new features were implemented. Mainly:
  • A new "Gambas" highlighting theme for the IDE.

  • A new TabPanel control, that is a TabStrip with thin borders.

  • The ability to define the connection timeout in the database component.

  • is almost finished.

See the Release Notes for the full ChangeLog.

*Please report as much as possible if compilation and installation on your system are ok or not, and if your distribution has binary packages of Gambas 3!


Gambas Sixth Release Candidate

Thirty-one bugs were fixed, with some important ones inside the interpreter, and the component was updated.

See the Release Notes for the full ChangeLog.

*Please report as much as possible if compilation and installation on your system are ok or not, and if your distribution has binary packages of Gambas 3!


Dennis Ritchie is dead

Maybe should we do a non-compilation day or something like that? :-/


Gambas Fifth Release Candidate

This release fixes more than thirty bugs, add a few new features and interpreter optimizations.

See the Release Notes for the full ChangeLog.

*Please report as much as possible if compilation and installation on your system are ok or not, and if your distribution has binary packages of Gambas 3!


Gambas 3 Fourth Release Candidate

This release fixes more than sixty bugs, add a few new features, and many interpreter optimizations.

See the Release Notes for the full ChangeLog.

*Please report as much as possible if compilation and installation on your system are ok or not, and if your distribution has binary packages of Gambas 3!


Gambas 3 Third Release Candidate

This release fixes more than seventy bugs, and add some new features.

See the Release Notes for the full ChangeLog.

*Please report as much as possible if compilation and installation on your system are ok or not, and if your distribution has binary packages of Gambas 3!


Gambas 3 Second Release Candidate

This release fixes more than one hundred bugs, and add some new features.

See the Release Notes for the full ChangeLog.


MacOSX Port

Gambas has been successfully ported to MacOSX by François Gallo.

The needed changes are not merged to the subversion repository yet. So here is a screenshot to help waiting.


Release Of Gambas 2.23.1

This release fixes the gb.v4l component so that it compiles on recent Linux kernels.

See the Release Notes for the full ChangeLog.


Gambas 3 First Release Candidate Is Available!

The aim of this release is being able to be compiled and correctly packaged in the most possible distributions.

Please report any compilation and packaging problem on your specific distribution.


News Come Back On The New Web Site.

Many pages have been updated for the release candidate of Gambas 3.

The countdown has started! :-) 10...9...8...


Release Of Gambas 2.23.

This release may be the last release of Gambas 2, as the release candidate of Gambas 3 is almost ready.

  • A new Romanian translation was added.

  • The Czech and Swedish translations were updated.

  • A memory leak that lead to a crash in enumeration management was fixed.

  • Many bugs in TextBox, TextArea, SpinBox, Menu, GridView, ListBox, and ComboBox controls in he GTK+ component were fixed.

  • The Control.MoveScaled method has been fixed.

  • Table existence is correctly checked in the ODBC component.

  • SQLite integer primary keys are better detected.

See the Release Notes for the full ChangeLog.