Gambas Documentation
Application Repository
Code Snippets
Compilation & Installation
Controls pictures
Deprecated components
Developer Documentation
Development Environment Documentation
About The Best Formula In The World
Architecture details
By Reference Argument Passing
Compatibility between versions
Creating And Using Libraries
Database Datatype Mapping
Database Request Quoting
Date & time management
Dates and calendars
DBus and Gambas
Differences Between Shell And Exec
Differences From Visual Basic
Distributions & Operating Systems
Drag & Drop
DrawingArea Internal Behaviour
External functions datatype mapping
Frequently Asked Questions
Gambas Farm Server Protocol
Gambas Mailing List Netiquette
Gambas Markdown Syntax
Gambas Naming Conventions
Gambas Object Model
Gambas Scripting
Gambas Server Pages
Gambas Unit Testing
Gambas Wiki Markup Syntax
Getting Started With Gambas
Hall Of Fame
Image Management In Gambas
Including Help Comments in Source Code
Interpreter limits
Just In Time Compiler
Just In Time Compiler (old version)
Localisation and Internationalization
Mailing Lists & Forums
Naming Conventions
Network Programming
ODBC Component Documentation
PCRE Pattern Syntax
Porting from Gambas 2 to Gambas 3
Previous News
Project Directory Structure
Release Notes
Gambas 2.23.0
Gambas 2.23.1
Gambas 2.24.0
Gambas 3.0.0
Gambas 3.1.0
Gambas 3.1.1
Gambas 3.2.0
Gambas 3.2.1
Gambas 3.3.0
Gambas 3.3.1
Gambas 3.3.2
Gambas 3.3.3
Gambas 3.3.4
Gambas 3.4.0
Gambas 3.4.1
Gambas 3.4.2
Gambas 3.5.0
Gambas 3.5.1
Gambas 3.5.2
Gambas 3.5.3
Gambas 3.5.4
Gambas 3.6.0
Gambas 3.6.1
Gambas 3.6.2
Gambas 3.7.0
Gambas 3.7.1
Gambas 3.8.0
Gambas 3.8.1
Gambas 3.8.2
Gambas 3.8.3
Gambas 3.8.4
Gambas 3.9.0
Gambas 3.9.1
Gambas 3.9.2
Gambas 3.10.0
Gambas 3.11.0
Gambas 3.11.1
Gambas 3.11.2
Gambas 3.11.3
Gambas 3.11.4
Gambas 3.12.0
Gambas 3.12.1
Gambas 3.12.2
Gambas 3.13.0
Gambas 3.14.0
Gambas 3.14.1
Gambas 3.14.2
Gambas 3.14.3
Gambas 3.15.0
Gambas 3.15.1
Gambas 3.15.2
Gambas 3.16.0
Gambas 3.16.1
Gambas 3.16.2
Gambas 3.16.3
Gambas 3.17.0
Gambas 3.17.1
Gambas 3.17.2
Gambas 3.17.3
Gambas 3.18.0
Gambas 3.18.1
Gambas 3.18.2
Gambas 3.18.3
Gambas 3.18.4
Gambas 3.19.0
Gambas 3.19.1
Gambas 3 RC1
Gambas 3 RC2
Gambas 3 RC3
Gambas 3 RC4
Gambas 3 RC5
Gambas 3 RC6
Gambas 3 RC7
Reporting a problem, a bug or a crash
Rich Text Syntax
Text highlighting definition file syntax
The Program has stopped unexpectedly by raising signal #11
Variable Naming Convention
WebPage Syntax
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Window Life Cycle
Error Messages
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Gambas 3.6.1

What's new

This release fixes many problematic bugs still present at 3.6.0 release.


* BUG: The gbw3 symbolic link is correctly uninstalled now.

* BUG: Don't use "sTable" as field name for the metadata table, because
  apparently "STABLE" is a reserved word in PostgreSQL. Upgrade an already
  existing metadata table automatically.
* BUG: Don't crash when starting a search from a image or connection
* BUG: Run packaging commands through a virtual terminal.
* BUG: Project property dialog: The component grid view now correctly keep
  its state when filtering is applied, or if only the used components are
* BUG: Project property dialog: The component hemp viewer now works
  correctly in off-line mode.
* BUG: Don't crash when installing the Gambas font, if the
  '~/.config/fontconfig' directory does not exist.
* BUG: Workaround the behaviour of appmenu by setting the
  'APPMENU_DISPLAY_BOTH' environment variable at startup if menus are
  explicitly hidden.
* BUG: Form editor: Undo correctly resets the selection.

* BUG: The internal UTF-8 string position cache now works in all cases.

* BUG: Dump boolean constants in *.info files the same way as the informer.

* BUG: MoviePlayer: Use an embedder as mplayer container. It's the only
  control that has its own X11 window in all toolkits.

* NEW: Add support for databases like PostgreSQL that are not fully case
* BUG: Try to retrieve the connection password only if the 'gb.desktop'
  component is loaded, and only display warning messages in that case.

* BUG: Setting DataView.Editable property to FALSE and then to TRUE works
  correctly now.

* BUG: Automatically convert field names to lowercase when creating a
* BUG: Quote field names when creating a table, even if they are converted
  to lower cases.

* BUG: DirChooser: Correctly update the toolbar according to the file view
* BUG: Setting Spinner.Enabled to FALSE correctly stops the animation now.
* BUG: SwitchButton: Use a "disable" look for ON and OFF state when the
  Enabled property is FALSE.

* BUG: IIf generated incorrect code for the types CSTRING and STRING.

* BUG: Correctly interpret "&#xxx;" HTML entities in rich text.
* BUG: Start fixing drag and drop.
* BUG: Clipboard.Copy() now works for all text formats.
* BUG: Use GtkSelectionData accessor function.
* BUG: Ensure that the Embedder background is painted.
* BUG: Remove a debugging message.
* BUG: TextBox: Postpone the Change event so that replacing the selection
  raises a unique Change event.
* BUG: Fix input method handling: key events cancellation and key repeat
  are correctly taken into account now. The "X input method" does not work
  (key events are internally sent four times!).
* BUG: Ensure that Clipboard.Paste() behaves the same as in gb.qt4.

* BUG: Correctly interpret "&#xxx;" HTML entities in rich text.
* BUG: Start fixing drag and drop.
* BUG: Remove two symbolic links on source files that do not exist anymore.
* BUG: Clipboard.Copy() now works for all text formats.
* BUG: Use GtkSelectionData accessor function.
* BUG: TextBox: Postpone the Change event so that replacing the selection
  raises a unique Change event.
* BUG: Fix input method handling: key events cancellation and key repeat
  are correctly taken into account now.
* BUG: Ensure that Clipboard.Paste() behaves the same as in gb.qt4.

* BUG: IconView item renaming doesn't crash anymore.

* BUG: Fix a function declaration.

* BUG: Application.PreviousControl returns the expected value now.
* BUG: Sometimes assigning Paint.Font has no effect. Workaround that
  strange Qt bug.
* BUG: Fix Clipboard.Paste() when there are both a text and a qt image in
  the clipboard.

Compilation and installation

Read the instructions there.

If everything was fine, type "gambas3" to run the development environment.

Enjoy it !

See also